Aug 05, 2005 10:56
Stayed down with the mother last night, had usual enormous feed and evening watching house doign up shows on cable. Which may in part have led to The Row this morning.
The background being that some time back I ordered a new bed and had half thought of getting a new bedroom carpet before it arrived. Haven't had time tho, and bed arrives in a few days so thought sod it, existing carpet is grand and promptly forgot all about it.
Also, I am not at my best when I have just woken up. Irritable would be one way to describe it.
Don't Even Fucking LOOK AT ME til I've at least had a cup of tea would be another.
As I am dragging myself out of bed (so not a morning person) I overhear her very quietly organising with my uncle to come to my house today while I am out and remove the current bedroom carpet.
I dash (well, stumble) out to put a stop to this before he leaves, pointing out that -
a. wtf new carpet? Do I want a new carpet? Where's the tea?
b. the room is full of crap and I'd need to clear it out first
c. no I can't do that today, I have WORK
d. I don't actually have a new carpet ordered and might not be able to get one before the new bed comes next week so I'd rather keep the one I have, thanks.
e. no I can't go buy a new one today I HAVE TO GO TO WORK
f. while I know you'd LOVE to go pick out a carpet, bizarrely I would rather pick my OWN, besides I don't have the room measurements on me cos, you know, I don't carry them round with me.
g. NO I CAN'T go back to my house, get them and either phone them to you (cf previous point) or take them to a carpet shop BECAUSE I HAVE TO GO TO FUCKING WORK YOU CRAZY WOMAN
h. wtf 'floorboards are all the rage'?? stripped, sanded and varnished ones maybe, not manky bare ones that are only there because you unilaterally decided to remove my fucking bedroom carpet on a whim
(yes I did turn into Kevin the teenager at this point. In fact I was him by about point c. But I didn't actually say fucking. I may have been mad, but I ain't suicidal)
And then we had breakfast.
Aren't families great?
About the only advantage I can see to getting married at some point is that then she'd stop doing this. Probably.