Oct 11, 2007 17:08
It will never cease to amuse me that National Coming Out Day and Bipolar Awareness Day are the same day or right next to each other so often.
I think it's very appropriate.
And now it's time to thank all of you for supporting me.
Just to remind you:
Everyone knows someone with bipolar disorder. There are 10 million American adults with bipolar disorder. We may not tell you right away, but we are there.
3% of the population has an affective mood disorder.
Bipolar disorder is present in all cultures around the world at about the same rate. It affects all sexes, ethnic groups, and income levels. The average age of onset is about 20 (like many of us), but it can begin at any point in life.
Up to 1 in 5 people suffers from a mood disorder at some point in there life.
Up to 1 in 4 people suffers from a mental illness at some point in there life.
Up to 30% of people who are treated by a primary care physician for depression or anxiety have bipolar disorder.
It often takes up to 10 years for people with bipolar disorder to receive the treatment they need.
Bipolar disorder is a chemical disorder just as much as diabetes. People who have it need real treatment.
20% of people with bipolar disorder who do not recieve proper treatment succeed at commiting suicide. Even more attempt, sometimes getting permanent disabilties.
Bipolar Disorder has a higher mortality rate than heart disease.
If you have ever worried about a friend, encourage them to get help. Take mental health seriously. See a psychiatrist, not only your primary care physician. If something was wrong with any other major organ, you would want a specialist. Get one for your brain too.
Thank you for listening to my commercial.
<3 Sarah