Helen meets a movie star o_O

Jul 01, 2007 23:35


I served my first movie star today.
He asked me for my help getting a book. A travel writers book. (can't recall the name off hand but have it writen down at work) I kept looking at him thinking... I know you. But of course I could only recall that he had been in a movie as a centurion, maybe.

I wasn't sure of myself. I mean. I'm one of those people who if I someone I'll know them. Like if he was a look alikie I'd know - he looks like .... him. While with this guy I was like - ITS HIM!

He was all thespiany. A beard and mustache and grown out hair and velvety jacket. And I did keep my cool. Though inwardly I was like - OMG I know this guy is famous... I know I love his movies but DAMN IT who is he?!

So I found him his book. Bantered a bit with him about how when he'd asked after it it had seemed he'd to have come thinking it would be hard to find. He said he was glad it was easier to get than he though as it was a gift for a friend. He paid. And grrr he gave me his credit card and did I look at his surname...? NOOO Popped it straight in the reader.

Took me and hour to remember what he'd been in. But yes. I was calm and collected, polite and did my job well me hopes. So yer. Eating my dinner after rambling to Paul about this guy I knew just couldn't remember what he was from only to have his face flash up in my mind and I saw him in a scene from Anaconda. Cue me and Ellie huddled around the work computer with me on imd.

So who was this star I served?!

He was Jonathan Hyde.

He's playing in King Lear at Newcastle Theatre. - I HAD to check to see if there was anything he was playing in in the North East to make doubly sure it was him and my mind wasn’t playing tricks with me.


He's not the only star to be in King Lear. Sir Ian McKellen was in last week too. In ourrr store!!!!! Chris served him. Ellie's spitting feathers coz he's all none effected by the fact he served Gandalf *_* He came to buy a ticket to the Amisted Maupin book signing that’s on Thursday night. But we are sold out. So he's going to contact Maupin himself to see if he can get a ticket as he knows him.

So me and Ellie are bouncing about. Heh Why? Coz we are doing the event on Thursday. YEEEEY.

And this is after Marion Husband came in on Saturday to sign books. Had an issue coz she was meant to go to Emerson and she was sure it was Grey st. Poor Julie was a bit flustered about the misunderstanding. Going to go to Emersons on Tues and see if I can nab one of her signed books. Woots.

That is all. Just had to ZOMG for five mins or so. It’s out of my system now. I are done. Domo.

Gaaa I love our store mrahaha

jonathan hyde, waterstones, work, celebs, ian mckellen

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