Jul 01, 2005 12:19
Being dead wasn't exactly flattering, but I had the feeling that I, that we were more fortunate then others who just become souls floating about either in Heaven, in Purgatory, or in Hell.
I was fortunate because the woman that I loved was now here with me. We had found that we were probably still puppets of Wolfram and Hart, although I wasn't sure why. It probably had something to do with the lifetime contract at Wolfram and Hart, although that could bare some further inspection at a later point.
For now, I had a need, I had more then just a passing interest in exploring Fred on a carnal level and while it wasn't because I just wanted to get laid, it was because I did really want to be laid by HER.
We had been through so much on Earth together and had finally fell for each other, only to have Knox and Gunn and others cut that short.
We had been through our fair share of discovery here, already, as well. I felt so guilty, believing her to be Illyria taking Fred's guise when we had fotunately bumped into each other in this vast Wolfram and Hart dimension, but could I be blamed?
Before I knew where we were, I thought it was hell, and despite Seidel, I didn't believe that Winifred Burkle would ever belong in a place like this and I had abominably and cold-heartedly berated her with the questions along those lines.
Now it made sense, but what also did, was that we were being watched, more then likely, and that there were demons everywhere, and I didn't fancy grappling with them while Fred was around, or really at all...not until I knew more.
For now, however, even if we were to be surveilled inside of closed doors and off of the streets, I wanted to know Fred in an intimate way, and I knew that it was something that we both needed. I helped her inside of the dirty building, and togther, we walked down the hall, stopping at a door.
I looked at her. "Does this look like a safe place to youto..to talk?" I pushed the door open, noticing that it was ajar, and my heart nearly skipped a beat. There was no doubt that we were being followed, watched, constantly, now.
We were in my apartment, and the air smelled better then it did in the hall, because it smelled like Lilah. I could even picture her in her cowboy attire, but it was of no matter.
I couldn't allow myself to be shocked by this, and I was with Fred, and we would figure many things out, blissfully together.