My Days in A List!

Feb 26, 2012 20:16

Long time no see huh?
So, it's been ages since I've written anything, I know that.
Herm... Where do I even begin?

How about we make a list yea? Sounds all right. Lists are always FUN FUN FUN!!!
Yep, so this list goes according to which one I remember first.
This is totally gonna be random and obviously I'm not bias. HA-HA

Let's START~

1. If everything goes well I'll be going for my practicum this June. (InsyaAllah)
Come out, come outbeastly ittle brats *hearts*

2. Oh yes, how could I not remember this *sigh* IGOTINTOTHEFREAKINGDEAN'SLISTY'ALL!
haha... I only found out about it around 4 days ago? Anyway, YAY~ (Alhamdulillah)

3. I am particularly, specifically, pretty broke right now. Well, life in the jungle has it's ups and downs as well.

4. I'm done with all my micro-teachings except for Writing Skills I.
*Please don't bite my head off Ms. Kala. I only have one head therefore, one brain after all. =D

5. I haven't went back home in like 4 weeks now.
This is turning out to be just like in Sem. 1 huh?
I'm not sick of Uni just sick that I can't be as productive as I am at home.
At least lemme have a biketo move to and fro.
I am now stuck in my room for 3 days on weekends.

6. I have the utmost ridiculous Co-curriculum lass among my friends.
Yes, I am the only onefrom MY class to get into that 'special' class.
Imagine being 1 out of 5 TESLians in the classjumbled up together with those
Bachelors of Psycho, Multimedia, Biotech and Engineering.
Honestly, I wish I was older each time I have to get into this class

7. And I have no resolved o hate Wednesdays. Yep, you read that right!
Reason being I am always busy on this day.
Extremely packed with classes from morning till the evening.
And did I mention I have the special Co-curriculum class on this day...?
Well, that just adds oil to my already firing brain.

8. Now, I realised I am not reading as much as I used to. I plan to improve on that.
The first book I am tackling is called "Offline dengan Syaitan"
which basically translates to "Offline with The Devil". Well, for a start,
this book is not my usual forte. But, I found this book helps me a lot spiritually.
Plus, the whole presentation of this book is quite good
what with all the computer metaphors. It's simple yet packed with info, 
laid out in a unique and interactive way to capture it's readers.

9. I am confused about my personality as is everyone else around me.
Well done! It only took me about 19 years to figure that out huh? It's okay. 
In life I believe one will eventually stumble upon this question
and start to doubt every action we've done and will make.
I've missed that train only by what... A couple of years? Heh.
It's okay. I'll run and catch up to all you 'mature' people. kekeke~

10. Live by no expectations. Believe in that and the world will unravel in wonder.
That's what I've learned from the last few weeks. Plus, a little surprise is always cracktastic isn't it?

Well, that's it. That's my days so far in 10!
I'll leave with my favourite quote at the moment.

And Hansel said to Gretel, 'Let us drop these breadcrumbs... so that together we find our way home.
Because losing our way would be the most cruel of things.'

one fine day, ramble your way

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