"Why do you hate me so much? All I ever did to you is like you."

Feb 14, 2009 00:52

Interesting line from Saturday Night Fever. I've never seen the movie but I've caught bits of it here and there. I can't understand the appeal it ever had. From what I've seen, characters that should have audience sympathy, don't, while characters that should not have audience sympathy, do. An upside down world, indeed. But is the "real" world upside down? Another question for another time.

Anyway, I cancelled out of a couple of raw food potlucks this past week. Starting times kept inching up later and later. I'm hoping to get more involved with raw food, but if I'm going to participate with a couple of groups their gatherings will have to fit closer to the schedule I'm sort of fixed in for the moment.

I have to attend a hike planning meeting February 23 because hikes for April, May and June will be scheduled at that time. I have all my June hikes to set up. Usually only April and May would be planned in February but the newsletter will be quarterly instead of every other month from now on. A cut back in budget apparently.

Ice skating Wednesday night didn't work out well. I arrived at six and the ice was a mess. Katie said there had been a hundred kids there that day and she claimed to have measured the temperature as 58. They were trying to fix things up and must have accomplished something, as people did start skating later, but I wasn't going to risk the kind of problems that arose the last time I checked out the evening ice conditions. I just keep going on weekends and hope for relatively cold weather.

Pressure Point (1 2) popped into my head for some reason. It's not a particularly good movie and seems to be fairly well forgotten but it is another interesting attempt to address some issues.

Happy Valentine's day. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (3) is a Valentine's entry from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from a time when Buffy was fun.

Try to set aside the endless lies told to you by almost every voice of alleged "authority." Try to grasp the truth: the United States government has no resources left. The full truth is far, far worse: the United States government is bankrupt and in debt for trillions of dollars. Almost all our leaders and major Establishment voices tell us there is only one way to solve this frightening problem: increase the debt still more.
--Arthur Silber

buffy the vampire slayer, american ruling class, hollywood movies, age of transition, american empire, iceskating

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