1518 - "'Cause it's better than nothing."

Aug 20, 2008 09:57

The plans for Portland are slowly coalescing. There's a bit of a crisis (post to follow about that) in which I may need some help, but otherwise things are ready to go-ish!

Before that, I have a wedding to go to, a boat to ride on and pants to purchase.

I'm trying to get better about actually making dinner instead of instant crap or takeout. I got out of the habit because of working the evening shift the past few weeks, but I'm back to regular hours, so I'd like to get back to regular foods as well. Last night was a bit better than other days, although the pizza was frozen boxed stuff. I have no idea what's going to be eaten tonight. If it were up to me, it would be some sort of pasta thing, easy to make, but Anthony's been off of the whole pasta idea the past little while, so probably not that.

One of the things I plan to pick up in Portland is a buttload of zines that I can't find 'round here. This will include recipe zines which will give me more ideas for cooking.

Also, I'd like to say hello to my new e-friends. I hope I don't bore you to death.

Also, also: Don't ever bother reading The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt, despite the Amazon reviews, unless you really like cut-and-paste steampunk with no character development.

portland, reading, food

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