1482 - "I'm sorry. This is the fun-vee. The hum-drum-vee is back there."

May 19, 2008 12:42

Nice weekend. Both in weather and in how I spent it.
Saturday was our first day off together in a bajollion years. We mostly spent it wandering around Vancouver, seeing Iron Man and spending money on comic books (Spiderman: Reign, Invisibles Vol. 2, Death of Captain America Vols. 1&2, Books of Magic Vol. 2). We ran into Anthony's friends a lot and then came home and pretty much went to bed soon after.
Sunday, I puttered around the house but really don't have much to show for it. I went down to WF with the intention of buying some plants but then I didn't so it was mostly a wasted trip. And then we bought a blender.
Today I am at the bookstore.
I rode my bike here in the rain and I discovered something bizarre. Riding my bicycle from North Vancouver, including walking up the Lion's Gate bridge in a fit of laziness, to Granville Island takes less time than it used to take if I took the bus from downtown Vancouver to Granville Island.

Aside from all of those comic books listed above, my reading has mostly consisted of finishing up Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, rereading The Historian and trying to decide what to read next. My choices are pretty much either Beats or Russians or crazy sci-fi guys.

You know what's really nice?

books, bikes

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