1481 - "With limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm."

May 14, 2008 10:26

Everything in life should be like Firefox and open up in a new tab. Then I wouldn't have to keep backtracking.
Was finally gonna DITL today, but then there was much cuddling in the morning, so I didn't. Maybe next week.

My plants are not dead yet, I consider this a success. I have learned that basil is considered a symbol of Satan in some European countries but yet are used in the preparation of holy water in the Orthodox church because it is believed to be found growing outside the tomb of Jesus. I have morally ambiguous plants!
Also, you could actually get cancer from parsley. But you'd have to pretty much eat nothing but parsley in great quantities for that to work.

Things that are different on the North Shore so far:
-It's wetter so my clothes dry much slower.
-The worms that you find on the sidewalk during the rain are redder and fatter than their pale southern cousins.

Things that are stupid:
They're power washing the deck area in front of our library workroom windows. In the rain.

I totally just installed GIMP on my work computer for actual, work-related reasons.


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