3SF Report

Dec 11, 2013 18:25

I gave myself a day to play about in the Three-Sentence Fiction game, before I thought I needed to turn to Other Serious Stuff - and in fact I stayed more than a day, so that now:
behind me, I can hear
Time's chariot hurrying near,
and yonder all before me lie
desarts of vast not-having-done-things-in-time.
So it's time to stop.  :)

Still, I managed three fills, and a prompt, which was promptly and happily filled in its turn.  They were...

A  prompt from betonyb:
Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice's mother, No, sure, my lord, my mother cried, and then a star danced, under that was I born--what ever happened to her?

A prompt from wingedflight21:
Narnia, Lucy & Tumnus,ghost-hunters

A prompt from psyche29:
Narnia, Rabadash, Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin "You are weighed in the balance, and found wanting."

And the prompt which I offered, which was most satisfyingly and beautifully taken up by autumnia:
Doctor Who, any, just somebody that I used to know

Thank you, all writers, prompters and commenters, and thank you caramelsilver, for running this.

This entry was originally posted at http://heliopausa.dreamwidth.org/15970.html. Please comment here or there.

narnia, shakespeare, writing, three-sentence ficathon

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