All Purpose RP Intro Post

Jan 09, 2011 12:42

A) This is now an RP journal for witchesreign, if you still have it friended from Damned I suggest defriending it!

B) Contact Info

Name: Aviy
Email: aviychan(at)gmail(dot)com
GChat: the above.
AIM: Fonic Filigree

Alternatively, if you want to get in contact with me, use this post!


If you want to talk to me about Luke's ICness or lackthereof, please feel free to use the above methods.

D) Permissions

Basically anything. Go for violence, romance, general physical contact, and fourth walling. Knock yourself out.

E) Class Schedule


800-0930 COD101 Garden Code
0930-1100 PMGF CBT101 Cadet Basic Training
1100-1230 CFT101 Cadet Field Training

1230-1400 LUNCH

1400-1500 TAC101 Tactical Strategy
1500-1600 WTR201 Intermediate Weapons Training: Bladed Weapons
1600-1700 ENG098 Basic Principles of English


0800-0930 MOV101 Military Movement
0930-1100 DEF101 Self Defense
1100-1230 WTR101 Intro to Weapons Training

1230-1400 LUNCH

1400-1500 CUL101 Cultural Studies
1500-1600 MAG201 Intermediate Recovery Magic
1600-1700 ISL101 Independent Study: Languages


0800-0900 ENG098 Basic Principles of English
0900-0100 MAT099 Mathematics
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