[OOC] Thread Logging / Who He's Met

Feb 23, 2009 14:15

Day Shift 39

Fist Shift/Breakfast - Met Ed - Learned about nightshift, monsters, people returning from the dead, that this is a different planet called Earth in a place called New Jersey. Ed offered to make him a sword with alchemy if he could provide metal and a diagram. Complete.

Second Shift/Sun Room - Met Anise - Happy reunion! Was told that Guy is here, while Asch, Luke, Tear, and Jade were here previously. Learned about Ion being here, as well as Ion and Peony's condition. Decided to go visit Ion with Anise at night, and then go check on Peony. Learned about Sync being here. Had bulletin board explained and got directions to Anise and Ion's rooms, as well as the location of a janitorial closet with some pipes. Complete.

Third Shift/Lunch - Met Van - Learned that Van is from after the fight at the Absorption Gate, and not from after his own death. Had a long philosophical talk and finally 'convinced' Van to give humanity a chance if they returned to Auldrant. Is not, however, ENTIRELY dumb and realizes Van may be lying, and also may not believe him. Complete.

Fourth Shift/Music Room- Met Guy! - Learned that Asch is alive!!!!11! Was otherwise warned to be careful at night and make sure he had a partner. Learned that Guy had other plans and would not be able to help during NS, and was told the bulletin board is a good place to find people to help you. Complete.

Fifth Shift/Dinner - Met Jason/Roommate! - Learned roommate has a temper but is not a bad person. Ongoing.
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