100 things: 1. lovestoned by justin timberlake

Apr 14, 2012 04:23

Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1,632
Pairing: Darren Criss/Chris Colfer
Notes: Based on the fact that Darren was spotted at a gay club. No spoilers because you can't spoil real life, just wishful thinking. I've had this one floating in my head for awhile, I'm glad I finally got it out!

"There's this really great gay club downtown and I was wondering if--"

"Dude, Chris doesn't do the club scene," Mark had said, butting in, interrupting Chris from what could have been his perfect man. Okay, maybe not perfect. But he had potential. The guy had left and he had rounded on Mark, very possibly the only time he had ever actually scared the older man.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing there?" Chris had all but screamed in his face. "Who are you to tell a guy I'm not into something and make him leave! You're not my boyfriend or my father or anything, Mark! I can make decisions for myself!"

"I just got a bad feeling about that guy," he had shrugged, holding his hands up. "Don't kill me over this, dude! There'll be other guys! You deserve better. Besides, you don't do the club scene. You're not into all that."

Chris recalls the moment as he stands at the edge of the dance floor, drink in hand, breathing in deeply as he feels the thump of the music through his chest. Mark was wrong. Mark was so wrong because he loves the club scene. He loves doing his hair up and dressing in a way he might not usually, dancing with strangers and neatly avoiding the question of 'don't I know you from somewhere'. He loves letting guys buy him drinks and buying cute guys drinks in return. Everything about it makes him feel good, wanted, things he had never felt back when he lived in Clovis or even when he started Glee. And alright, maybe some of the guys are just in it because they do recognize him and want a piece of his fame, but it's not like he's stupid. He knows how to take care of himself and have a good time in the process.

He sees the guy standing at the bar and a smile forms on his lips, his eyes firmly locked on his ass, which is just begging for Chris to touch it. His dark hair looks soft, from what he can tell, and he very much wants to buy this guy a drink, just from his back alone. Please don't be a butterface, he thinks when he reaches the bar, tapping him on the shoulder, putting on his best deep voice as he asks, "Can I buy you a drink?" The guy turns around and he puts a smile on his lips, ready to lay the charm on thick.

It's Darren.

They stare at each other with wide eyes, Chris's heart beating like a jackhammer in his chest, and he opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out, so he ends up looking vaguely like a fish, just gaping for air, which is so unattractive he almost doesn't know what to do with himself, but he can't help it.

"What are you doing here?" they both ask at the same time. Darren, ever the gentleman, gestures for Chris to go first. As if him being there is the pressing matter.

"Well, for starters, this is a gay bar and I'm gay," he says, being sure to draw out the word as long as he can. "I don't know, I just like to come and unwind after work. Dance and have a few drinks." He shrugs, folding his arms across his chest. "Okay, now you have to tell me why you're here. I don't... I mean..." He stumbles over his words before saying, "I mean, you're not gay."

"Not all the way," Darren says, and even in the dark lights of the club, Chris can see that his cheeks are red. "I, uhhhh. Yeah." He shrugs his own shoulder up, trying to make it seem like it's not that big of a deal, even though it is. It really, really is.

"I... wow," is all Chris can manage to say, his heart pounding wildly. He's never allowed himself to think this way about Darren, carefully compartmentalizing any romantic feelings he might have had so that they didn't come through because having a crush on your straight co-star is just a one way ticket to disaster. But now he can feel something trying to peek out, something that almost feels like an attraction that may have been hidden away. Still, doing anything with a co-star is always a bad idea and--

"You still gonna buy me that drink?" Darren says, grinning wide and raising his eyebrows. "Or can I buy you one instead?"

He lets Darren buy him a drink, a Cosmo, and he sits next to him, sipping the pink drink nervously. "Do you come to gay clubs often?" he blurts out, and he immediately regrets it, taking a big gulp of his drink and coughing lightly.

"Yeah," Darren says, surprising him. "It's more fun here. They play better music and the guys are way better dancers. They're also way better in bed," he adds with a wink, and Chris chokes a little, feeling his eyes water from the burn of the alcohol.

"You are full of surprises, Darren Criss," he says when he's finally regained the ability to make his brain work. Because seriously, the thought of Darren in bed with a guy made his brain melt a little, and he's not sure he'll ever fully regain the use of that part of his mind. It's incredible how quickly he's formed an attraction to him, except he has a sneaking feeling that the attraction has been there the whole time, and that he's really good at keeping things hidden down, which scares him a little.

"That's me," he says with that stupid grin of his, and he takes Chris's hand. "Come on, let's go cut a rug."

They end up on the dance floor, grinding together just like Chris might do with any other guy. He's grateful that Darren is acting relatively normal about the situation, and he's more than willing to pretend that he's someone he's never met before so his brain doesn't explode with the sheer insanity of everything that's happening.

He can hear Darren singing along to the song that's booming as his hands slip dangerously low on Chris's hips, and he circles them to the beat, his own arms wrapped around the shorter man's waist. He's desperately trying not to let his hands slip down to grab Darren's ass, even though he wants to, and he feels Darren lean forward to yell into his ear.

"My ass is like a magnet, you know," he informs him. "You can touch." The invitation makes Chris jerk his hands back, and he folds his arms across his chest, glaring at Darren.

"I don't want this to get weird," Chris says, and Darren laughs, shaking his head.

"I think it's too late for that," he informs him, confirming what Chris has feared. It is too late for that. "So we can either stay at this lingering level of weirdness, or we can just act on our impulses and deal with the consequences later. Just like we'd do if this really was some random club hookup."

"But it's not," Chris blurts out. "It's not some random club hookup. I'm going to have to see you at work on Monday and we're going to have to film romantic scenes together when we're feeling awkward and--" He's cut off by Darren's lips against his, hands grasping at his own ass, and he gasps into the kiss, his heart twisting and doing some kind of crazy thing, and fuck, he is so far gone already.

Instead of reprimanding Darren as he pulls back, his lips wet and his pupils blown wide, he slips his hands down and does what he's been wanting to literally since he saw him. He squeezes Darren's ass hard, smiling as he sees the other male's head tip back a little, and he licks his lips, smiling to himself. It's almost as if the kiss has flipped off the 'logical thinking' switch in his brain and allowed him to do what he wants instead of overanalyzing it to death as he might usually.

"Come on," he says, leading Darren off the dance floor. He can see the way Darren's eyebrows fly up, the surprise written across his face as clear as day, and he turns to face him, quirking his own eyebrow up, questioning him.

"Where... I... I thought we were going to dance more," Darren says, his lip pouting out in such a way that Chris almost, almost regrets taking him off the dance floor. But not that much.

"We're going to my place," he purrs in the voice he has never, ever even dreamed of using around Darren. The look on Darren's face is probably the best thing he's ever seen in his life, the way he stares, shocked, his eyes open wide, his mouth slightly agape, and then he's dragging Chris through the parking lot until they get to his car.

The way he kisses Chris against the car is almost shocking in its urgency, and he lets out a small whimper into Darren's mouth, his heart thudding almost as loud as the music inside the club had been. His hands immediately fly up to tangle in the older man's curls, and he knows he's hit a sweet spot by the way Darren's entire body shudders and the noise he makes.

"Darren," he finally manages to say as he pulls back. "Darren, we're not going to have sex in the parking lot."

"We could," he says immediately, kissing along Chris's neck when he realizes he can't kiss his lips anymore. "You could just take me right here."

"I... wow, wow, wait," he says, his eyes wide. "What? Me take you?"

"Come on, Chris," he says, his own voice a purr now. "There's a lot you have to learn about me when we get back to your place."

Chris has never wanted to learn anything more.

♥ crisscolfer, ♥ 100 things, ♥ sometimes kaitlyn writes fic

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