99 and a half just won't do

Jan 03, 2010 15:56

number of times volunteering 2009; 98.
number of job applications submitted since moving to scotland at the end of june 2009; 90.
interviews offered; 14. job offers; 2.
number of job applications submitted january - june 2009; 40(ish)
supposing one of the jobs i applied for really was good -not considering the hmv job that was, or the ashmolean job that wasn't- then the number of times i volunteered might have only been 50 at best. equally then the number of jobs i'd apply for would also be lower.
but damn the fact that the volunteering only got to 98. i know i'm happy with it being there and not 99 that said. if it wasn;t for hmv there's no doubt it'd be in triple figures. still, working there didn't prevent me from spending time finding job adverts and submitting the forms. though i did wonder about what might have happened the day i was due to go for an interview for a christmas seasonal place with whsmith in october; i'd just come back from the ashmolean and my heart wasn't in this retail park on the far side of town. i didn't get to the interview because the bus i was on would've been late to get there. so, i didn't get off the bus at fort kinnaird in mid-october, i waited until late november instead.

best bit of anything in december/january (up until this point, and not including a brief chat and hug from kathryn) would have to be in cabaret voltaire, late december, seeing ballboy. they opened their set with my favourite one of their songs, i hate scotland. how very appropriate. sex is boring was also in the set.
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