Dirty politics

Dec 28, 2009 18:42

So, as I transmogrify myself into an animator who makes comics, and I cease to be a writer!writer, I'm trying to sort out if I want to write fanfic or not.

Because on one hand, I'm no longer a writer!writer. (Not that I ever was, given that I'm wired for images more than words, and in fact I see words as typographic images.  But yeah.)

But on the other, I wouldn't really have to freak out about writing either.  I could aim all my perfectionistic bullshit at drawing.  And therefore, I could just write fanfic (generally of Bishie A and Bishie B or possibly Hot Guy A and Hot Guy B getting it on, I'm very much in favor of slash) and just enjoy it as fluffy relaxing funtime.  I'd only have to be an adequate writer, which is so much less pressure than having to be a GREAT WRITER.

In particular, I could write, say, Hetalia slash.  The out of control 24/7 express train that is hetalia is providing plenty of instructive examples.

But I'm confused about whether the countries are.. well, people or nations.  I'm aware that this is sort of the central conciet of the series- pretty boys as personifications of world nations- but how the hell does that work logistically?  They all have 'houses', which seem to be within their 'nation's' borders, as if they were the patron saint of those countries made into a flesh and blood person; a personified spirit of nationalism maybe.  But how does that all work when they go to visit one another?  They aren't the political leaders of their countries, as their various prime ministers and presidents sometimes call them or consult with them.  They aren't the nation itself.  And.. yeah, maybe I'm overthinking this.

But the mangaka never really seems to sort this out either.

To be honest, I think I want to write Hetalia slash just so I can giggle like a 12 year old at the World section in the newspaper.  The COPE15 conference would have been a goldmine of slashfic ideas right there.

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