A day of busy-ness (so when is it not? *grin*)

Jun 22, 2010 21:39

I didn't sleep terribly well last night as just as I was drifting off I heard Little Three get up to go to the loo (the bathroom is right next to my bedroom) and then she opened my door and clambered into bed with me! I shifted up, turned over and let her get on with it, and she was still there when my alarm went off in the morning, but had no recollection of how she had got there!

This morning was rather hectic and involved missing shoes and forgotten PE kit and rather a lot of shouting... and arriving at school ten minutes late, oh dear! Once they were safely dropped off, I walked up through town and went to CLASP where I had a nice cup of tea, a sit down, and a discussion on parenting styles. Had to leave halfway through though because I had a haircut appointment!

My haircut was a rearranged appointment because I'd completely forgotten to go during the second week of half term - oops! It was so lovely to have it chopped and it feels much better again now and just right for this gorgeous warm weather.

Then home for lasagne-from-the-freezer and to watch the first bit of the Budget speech. The main thing I heard that will affect me is lone parents having to go back to work once their youngest child goes to school. Up to now it has been when the youngest child reaches seven, so I knew I had about a year's grace to get myself sorted out and find work - but now I am wondering how soon the new rule will come in and whether it means I'll be put on to Jobseekers Allowance sooner rather than later. And with public sector spending cuts, there won't be many teaching assistant jobs going, so it's all rather worrying. I will wait and see.

Out again after half an hour of budget-watching, this time to Little Three's sports day which was fun! Absolutely beautiful weather for it - so often it rains on sports day. She seemed to enjoy herself and was pleased that her team came second!

Straight after school I collected up L3 and Two and we drove up to the hospital for L3's eye clinic appointment. Her patch finally seems to be doing some real good - her bad eye which has been forced to work hard for the past few months is now almost up to the standard of her good eye so we are all very pleased! She will have three more weeks of patch, then another appointment at which point Zoe thinks we will be able to ditch the patch in time for the summer holidays, hurrah!

Finally home after that, though a bit later on L3 and I went out to Tesco for a few bits and pieces to see us through the week. One thing I did there was purchase us a new breadmaker - I've had our previous one for about six years and it was an Asda cheapy one then. The new one has more programmes and does different sized loaves, and is much more compact so can sit on the kitchen table at all times. The plan is to use it most days to keep us in bread - all part of my plan to rely on shopping trips a little less. Slowly, slowly, I am revolutionising what we buy and eat, one tiny step at a time! :-)

sleep, orthoptist, l2, politics, clasp, food, school, l3

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