Today I have:
- Looked properly at my finances, made some adjustments and realised that things could be a whole lot worse. We will survive, I think. We are living slightly less hand to mouth than we were a couple of months ago. And I feel in control again. Phew!
- Did a few experimental car insurance quotes and discovered, as I suspected, that I will probably be able to save nearly £30 a month when I renew in May!
- Managed to find enough in the budget to buy two Billy bookcases when I go with
mrsrevj and
revoz to Ikea in a couple of weeks! I should be able to afford another two in a couple of months, and then all the books might finally be off the floor!
- Been to Tesco and got the week's groceries. Managed it frugally enough that I was able to buy semi-posh toilet roll instead of the Tesco Value version! It's ages since we've managed nice soft toilet roll and our bottoms will be happy... ;-)
- Unpacked some of the shopping. Tried to ignore the fact that there are two bags on the kitchen floor that still need unpacking! I'll get round to them eventually, and none of it is fridge or freezer stuff.
- Put the wet washing from the other day on the radiators. It's almost dry now.
- Received the letter from One's school that got its own post earlier, and felt extremely proud of myself for pushing for some help for her!
- Felt very thankful for all my lovely friends who said such lovely helpful things on my woeful post yesterday.
- Felt a whole lot better about life in general and about the way I am coping. Hurrah for lovely friends and for the ebbing of the PMT! *grin*