Before said wedding, I need to:
- Cut, dye(?), and style my hair (if nothing else, just cut and let my plus-one style - hair hasn't seen shears in about six months...)
- Obtain a strapless bra
- Purchase a wedding gift
- Wrap the above wedding gift
- Make sure my plus-one is still planning to attend
- Get some whitening strips
- Buy food for the rehearsal dinner
- Attend final dress fitting
I also, this week, need to:
- Watch the Saints-Bucs game (watch them win the Saints-Bucs game, preferably)
- Get healthy
- Make doctor's appointment (asthma) (deferred)
- Blood donation (deferred)
- Meet with CSN counselor/Financial Aid (non-deferable - classes start on the 24th!!)
- Register for class(es) (see above)
- Find out what I have in the storage unit
- Hang the pictures on the wall
- Clean the bathroom
I like these bullet-point things...