Feb 02, 2009 18:31
This has been a pretty hectic, exciting, and hectic again week. Wednesday morning, we lost power. After spending the week camped out in the boys' room with a kerosene heater, we decided to spend the weekend with the in-laws. It was a nice visit.
Saturday, Jakob got Baptized. It was so cute watching him dip his fingers into the water to Baptize himself like I do at my church as Hilary poured the pitcher. Since Hilary is in Seminary and far into his classes, he got to participate in the ceremony.
Sunday, we watched the Superbowl and Chas and Jeanne announced that around October, they are going to have a baby. YAY!
This afternoon, after getting the house warmed up, emptying the fridge, attempting to give the house a nice scrub, I had class. My students seem very excited about their approaching paper and have been asking some very good questions for preparation.
Now, back to our daily schedule routine.