Jul 08, 2004 02:01
yikes. definetly slept for 13 hours last night. ok, body, but that's it. you are caught up now, understand me?
i started my new position at work monday, so not only do i punch in to a timeclock every day, but now i work on the line:) all this means is that every morning, when the truck full of stuff comes, i stand next to a conveyer belt thing as other workers unload boxes, scan them, then push them on down. i look for boxes with red circled numbers of the sections i'm standing by. if i see one of "my" boxes, i grab it and put it on a palette to be taken on the floor and stocked later. but that only takes maybe a couple hours per day. i'm mostly stocking now. not stalking, stocking.
the funny part of my new job is how utterly it's making no use of my seven months already on the job. they have me in softlines (clothes) which is, honest and for real, the ONLY department i haven't worked in. groceries might take me a little while to remember, but any other part of the store, i know like the back of my hand, thanks to spending seven months walking down each aisle five days a week, looking at every item on every shelf to make sure it's where it's supposed to be, putting away cart after cart full of stuff that's misplaced. if they put me stocking any other part of the store, i'd be using my experience and not feeling like it's my first day of work all over again, like in softlines. as it is, i'm wasting their time by wandering around each department, wondering if these red and blue striped polo shirts are out or if i'm supposed to try to work them in somewhere. no, not the ones that feel smooth, the ones that feel kinda rough. ridiculous.
BUT. i do like this more than zoning. time goes much faster. and i'm getting paid more and i'm getting more hours and (this part kinda bothers me) i'm getting more acknowledgment from other staffers. i mean, team members:) people i've been working with every day since the beginning are only just now talking to me for the first time. i suspect that they kinda looked down on what i used to do as less important than what they do. impossible to avoid hierarchy, eh?