meme tiem

May 17, 2011 21:55

Shamelessly stolen from tresa_cho

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.

My stories can be found hereRead more... )

memesheep goes baah

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Comments 14

cynthia_harrell May 17 2011, 20:35:10 UTC
Cat's Call: one day after the defeat of Z-ONE, when Hiroshi might be missing Bruno. If that's possible in that 'verse.


Angry kitty is angry heleentje May 18 2011, 19:50:49 UTC
“I found him,” Jack announced. Yusei breathed a sigh of relief and tried to take Hiroshi from him, but the cat only hissed and climbed further up Jack’s shoulder, leaving Yusei with no choice but to abandon the attempt ( ... )


Re: Angry kitty is angry cynthia_harrell May 18 2011, 20:17:42 UTC


cheeky_eyes May 18 2011, 14:53:11 UTC
Thanks. ^_^ And no problem, take as much time as you need. I understand exams an the like well. *Glances at her own looming ones.*

And to answer the meme, could you possibly write about what happened after the three-way-duel in your second 'Imaginary' verse?


heleentje May 18 2011, 19:51:11 UTC
The one against Yubel, you mean? /brain cells are slow today


cheeky_eyes May 19 2011, 12:27:09 UTC
Yes, so set just as he arrives in the Dark World after the first three way duel.
It's alright, it was a little obscure.

Thanks! ^^


1/2 heleentje May 21 2011, 02:56:57 UTC
His name. Juudai - her Juudai - was shouting that thief’s name. How dare he betray her like that? And how dare that thief take Juudai from her, claim his love for himself like the selfish child he was? He didn’t understand the bond between her and Juudai. After all, his mind was so small. He couldn’t possibly comprehend the greatness Juudai was destined for. He just wanted Juudai all for himself.

She couldn’t let him.

And he was right there! Mere feet away from her, swallowed up by the same light as she was. It would be so easy to just reach out and crush him. Juudai would be hers once more. He would fulfill his destiny with her by his side. She reached out, grabbed his arm, and the boy’s eyes filling with shock. No fear. Not yet. He would fear her soon enough ( ... )


want moar pharaoh marauderraine May 22 2011, 03:39:17 UTC
I want something related to Pharaoh...

How about a trip back to Andhra Pradesh, in the future, to visit Pharaoh's grave?

You're the best. :D


Best meal of the day! kyms_iris May 26 2011, 00:07:30 UTC
Hm, what about in SFSG, after Amethyst is taken, and Juudai comes across Johan and Yubel already awake and talking in the kitchen. Would love hearing more about the two of them chatting in the early hours of the morning ;)


Latedy late late ^^; heleentje June 2 2011, 23:42:22 UTC
“You’re leaving ( ... )


Just Awesome! kyms_iris June 4 2011, 01:07:52 UTC
"Yubel believed sugarcoating her thoughts was even more stupid than sugarcoating her words." <= LOVE this line. :D Very nicely done.


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