meme tiem

May 17, 2011 21:55

Shamelessly stolen from tresa_cho

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.

My stories can be found hereRead more... )

memesheep goes baah

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Latedy late late ^^; heleentje June 2 2011, 23:42:22 UTC
“You’re leaving.”

“Yeah.” It wasn’t an answer, but then Yubel hadn’t asked a question, so it was only fair. She leaned back against the doorframe and watched as Johan hoisted his backpack onto his shoulder.

“You’re going alone?”

Johan patted his deckholder with a weary smile. “I’m never alone. Tell Juudai I’m sorry.”

“He won’t be happy,” she said, and Johan looked at her for the first time. Yubel read the resignation in his eyes and understood. Johan already knew what Juudai would think, and he knew what she was thinking too.

“No, but you will be,” he said. Yubel thought that maybe she should feel insulted, but there was no accusation concealed behind the words. Moreover, he was absolutely right. If he came with them, Juudai would spend his every waking moment looking for the cat. He’d take stupid risks and endanger himself unnecessarily, just for this boy. It was not something she liked contemplating. They were better off without him.

It wasn’t a nice thought. Yubel believed sugarcoating her thoughts was even more stupid than sugarcoating her words.

“You won’t have to worry about me,” Johan continued. “Just take care of Juudai, okay?”

Maybe it was jealousy, Yubel mused. It would make sense for her to be jealous of this boy. Juudai had promised her his undying love, and she knew he’d never go back on his word, but she still didn’t like Johan Andersen. He still felt like a threat. He deeply cared, and it was something she grudgingly respected him for, but at the same time it made him harder to ignore. His feelings were genuine, and there was something within him, buried deep, that felt eerily familiar. Speaking of which-

“You’re not as powerless as you think you are,” Yubel said. Even if she didn’t like him, letting him leave without a means to defend himself was not fair. She respected him too much for that. “There’s a lot of potential inside of you.”

“Really?” Johan sounded genuinely surprised, some emotion finally showing on his face. He opened his mouth to continue, but right then they both noticed the stumbling on the stairs. Johan’s smile was bordering on fondness. Too predictable, he seemed to say.

Yubel smiled, and for a moment neither of them spoke, instead listening as Juudai attempted to be stealthy. It hardly mattered. Even if he hadn’t made a single sound, Yubel would’ve still felt him from miles away.

“He means well,” she said finally. Johan threw a glance at the doorway.

“I know he does. But she’s our family. We’ll look for her.”

“I suspected as much.” Yubel lowered her voice so Juudai wouldn’t hear. No need to trouble him with this. “And I wish you best of luck. Also, Johan, I told you that you have a lot of power. If you’re careful and don’t do stupid things, you may be able to harness it.”

“Really? You’re serious?”

Why would she joke at a moment like this? “Yes. But be careful not to use too much, too fast.”

“I will,” Johan said. He glanced at the doorway and Yubel looked as well, then nodded. They’d said everything they’d had to say.

Johan raised his voice just slightly: “Ah, Juudai? You can come out now, you know.”


Just Awesome! kyms_iris June 4 2011, 01:07:52 UTC
"Yubel believed sugarcoating her thoughts was even more stupid than sugarcoating her words." <= LOVE this line. :D Very nicely done.


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