(no subject)

Apr 01, 2007 11:17

Routines bore me.

It seems as though I was getting up at 5:30, going to school, coming home, lazing around, really getting nothing done. Homework was always the rush at the end of the night, but at least that was interesting, I got at least my mind working because my mind was fighting my body about sleep while at the same time trying to solve multi variable calculus. It was at least interesting, in a way.

Bass has become similarly dull. I still incredibly enjoy playing it, but recently I taught myself the basics on piano, and--according to my friend Aaron, who is auditioning for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra--it sounds to him as though I've been playing for five or six years, not three weeks. I don't know, piano just feels very comfortable for me, it's as though the entire road map is laid out in front of me and I can pick and choose my pathway. It's definitely a lot easier to write on piano than it is on bass, for me at least; I enjoy music that interacts with itself, progressing through reaction. While I can be a reactant or reactor on bass, with piano I can do both, so I feel less limited.

The band is, well, the band. It amazes me that we get as much done as we do, considering how many petty squabbles go on between us. Honestly, it's mostly Cameron and Keith, and--while they both know this--they make very little effort to change their mannerisms to better the entire experience. Normally they're controllable, but lately it's been difficult.

That said, somehow we have managed to put out a new EP. It bankrupted us to do, but we got the work done. Naturally, the mixing engineer turned out to be an ass, and only did a half decent job on the mixes, so for a couple of the songs we're being forced to pay additional money to take elsewhere. I understand that he has a job to do, and is under time constraints, but the work he did was crap. I'm blacklisting Riverbend Studio.

It was hard on us because no one is working at the moment, so money is hard to come by. We save all the money we make playing shows, but that only covered about half of it. For the rest...we're in debt to our parents, but we got Hot Doug's to sponsor part of the recording costs. Doug gave us money and agreed to play the EP in Hot Doug's in exchange for us to list Hot Doug's somewhere in the credits. Right now, our plan is to take a band picture in front of Hot Doug's and put it on the cover.

School sucks. Honestly, it just does. I find reading poetry and trying to be steered to the intended meaning dull, just as I find being force-fed U.S. History that I already know boring. I've yet to read a chapter in the book this year, and my test grade is over 100. Sadly, I do no homework for history, so my grade sucks. If I know the information, I find it useless to do chapter outlines. The only times I do them is when Mitchell asks us to summarize the chapter, which I can do with my eyes closed.

Since my grades suck, everyone is worried. "What are you going to do with your life?" Really, I don't know. I want to do music, but at the moment I'm not really sure that going to a music college is a good idea. I hear a lot that it kills something inside you, seeing all these great musicians surrounding you at all times. People like being the big fish in the small pond. I do, myself, and I could see why that would be frustrating.

The ACTS and SATS are coming up, but I'm not really worried about them. I did well on my practice tests on both, and I know I'll do well on the real thing. I've always done well on standardized tests. All the colleges I'm looking at right now have minimums much lower than my scores.

Yes, I'm looking at some colleges, shockingly enough. In no particular order:
Colorado College
Columbia College
Brooklyn College
Cornell College
Berkley School of Music

Maybe I'll go on tour for a year or two after high school, try and figure myself out. College will still be there if I need/want it. And I've had some offers, it's not as though I'm digging for someone to go out with.

Such is life.
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