
Feb 05, 2007 20:09

I've spent the last few days reflecting on my classes, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm learning almost nothing relevant to any of my chosen careers.

Spanish: Why am I learning Spanish? The goal is to become familiar with the language, with a hope in fluency, and to begin to understand a foreign culture(s). That's great, honestly. For some people, that seems really useful. Memorization, however, is hard for me, especially foreign languages. And when am I going to use this foreign language? Next year will be my last year of it, I'm not taking a language in college (no, I don't have to take any years of foreign language in college), and there's no hope for me being fluent in it, so why am I wasting time learning anything more than "where is the bathroom" and "how do you get to main street?" Honestly, I could even understand learning the prederite tense, but now we're going into imperfect. Next will probably come perfect, pluperfect, future perfect, why do I need all these things?

Art: I like art, it's just easier for me to rant in order.

Brit Lit: Shakespeare is great, don't get me wrong. The number of times he can slip dirty words into a play about love amuses me, and that's only part of why I read him. But this year we've read Grendel, written by an American, Frankenstein, which I read in eighth grade, and Canterbury Tales, which was incredibly interesting and of course we spent about a week on. Such is life.

PreCalc: I'm good at math, I know that, but the only thing that has really been useful for me the entire year was rates, to see how quickly my pitiful earnings in life would double, and sin waves, because sound waves are all related to sin waves. I spend a lot of time bored in the class too, because at points it moves very slowly.

Jazz Improv: Normally, I'd love this class, because it's music and an excuse to play bass in school every day. My only problem is the only music he gives me is the melody, and he expects me to be content just writing over whatever is written. Rode's not teaching me, he's sitting me in a practice room with music (Although the A on my report card does look good). Give me something to do.

Physics: Oddly enough, this is the only class I find interesting. We're doing a lot with sound and light which interests me, and I like the teacher, although I think he's going to explode one day when he loses his patience.

U.S. History: What have I learned? Nothing. How much do I hate the teacher? Immensely. Could I teach this class? Most likely. It's not as though it's a bad class, although Mitchell is a bad teacher, I just already know everything that we're being taught. It becomes read the paper time.

We're recording this weekend, so I'm in a deep dark hole known as a basement this entire week.

The Red Peace

A new project I'm working on, in its beginning stages:

Busfare For Kafka

I'm also planning on getting on a promise I made to Natasha, of band recordings of some of her songs. I would've done it already, but I've had no time recently.
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