Here comes the school!

Sep 23, 2007 01:49

I feel like a train is about to hit me.  haven't quite finished all my homework, but i am confident I will get it done.  I mwt this guy who added me as a friend on facebook while I was in China.  He added me because he thought it was cool that I was in China.  I met him at Frebbies at Freddies.  Which is when the local Fredmeyer let UO student go in after hours and get things for way cheap and there is free food and stuff.  I did my laundry yesterday starting at 1:30 in the morning.  I accidently put my card into a dryer thinking it was a washer.  You're not supposed to put you cards in the dryer at all apparently.  Drying is free.  I was so fun lugging my clothes up to the 4th floor from the basement!  But at least it's free excersise.

Does anyone else have a point meal plan at their college?  Do you understand it.  The point system is completely bizarre.  Sometimes it's a good deal.  Sometimes you're being ripped off.  No sense!

OMB owns my soul.  Go Ducks!
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