to tell you i love you (2/2)

Jul 04, 2008 07:43

Title: To Tell You I Love You (2/2)
Author: heiryzmylisza
Pairing: MassuTego
Rating: GP
Summary: erm... this part focuses on the drama and such... lol. 
Disclaimer: i want them but they ain't mine. lol. gotta find a way to own them somehow...
Notes: for Massu's 22nd birthday!!! otanjoubi omedetou ichiban!!! ^___________^

February 14, 2009
                “Ohayou Gozaimasu Massu!”
                “Eh?” a disgruntled and rudely awakened Massu replied. Rubbing his sleepy eyes awake, he saw a fully dressed, hyper and overly excited Yamapi holding up his blanket, no wonder it suddenly felt cold. “What are you doing here Pi?” Looking at his bedside clock, “at 9:15 in the morning?”
                “Don’t you remember what it is today?” an excited sounding Yamapi answered as he tried to wrench away the pillow Massu was trying to use in covering up his head and blocking out the noise. “All I know is that we don’t have work, it’s our day off, and I have the right to sleep until 2 o’clock in the afternoon!” a bad tempered Massu whined as he tried to cover up his head using another pillow because Yamapi successfully took away the other one.
                An annoyed Yamapi crossed his arms in front of his chest. He looked at the buta in front of him, head covered by a pillow, dressed in what looks like a matching ‘I heart Gyoza’ pajamas. Yamapi winced, where the hell did he get that?
                “Oi, for your information, today is Valentine’s Day and as far as I’m concerned, Tegoshi told me that he wanted to get chocolates today.”
                At the sound of Valentine’s Day and Tegoshi together, Massu immediately sat up. This amused Yamapi cause he obviously got the other’s attention. “Ano… did he say anything in particular about who he wants to get chocolates from?” a deeply interested Massu inquired. “Well, no one in particular. He just told me that he thinks it would be nice to receive chocolates from someone special today,” a smiling Yamapi answered.
                “So, are you going to give him some?” Yamapi asked after he grew tired of staring at Massu who looks like he’s debating with himself if he’s going to give Tegoshi some chocolates.
                “What? What makes you think I want to give Tegoshi some chocolates?”
                “Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s because you love Tegoshi. Second, you really want to make him happy. Third, you want to become Tegoshi’s special someone,” Yamapi counted off the reasons all too knowingly.
                “Fine, fine! I’m going to buy him some expensive chocolates later! Let me go back to sleep!” Massu said as he started to lie down again on the bed.
                “Eh? Oi, Massu! Get up already!” Yamapi said as he pulled Massu away from the bed, the other frantically looking for something to hold on to the bed. “Don’t you know the tradition? You’re supposed to be the one doing the chocolate!”
                “I don’t know how to cook!” Well, that was a complete lie but he thought he’d probably mess up because it’s for Tegoshi. He’d probably be too nervous to cook anything properly, let alone a chocolate!
                “Oi, who are you trying to fool Massu? The whole JE knows you’re a good cook. Don’t be so cheeky and follow me downstairs,” Yamapi ordered but nevertheless dragged Massu out of the room and downstairs by the collar of his shirt. “This is Tegoshi we’re talking about! Can you please pull yourself together?!” Yamapi ordered. “How can I pull myself together if you’re pulling me by the neck already?” Massu gasped out, Yamapi’s choking him to death already. “Eh?” Yamapi replied as he loosened his grip on Massu’s shirt collar, anyway, they were at the kitchen already.
                Massu gaped at the view in front of his eyes. His kitchen top was full of bags and bags of groceries most of it chocolates. There were also cookbooks lying on top of the counter. “So, what do you think? You can just pay me back later,” Yamapi said as he nudged Massu by the shoulder, a mischievous smile on his face.
                “Oi, why did you have to buy so many?”
                “For practice, of course! You can’t possibly get it right the first time even if you are a good cook!” declared Yamapi as he proceeded to get the cookbooks off the counter. “You know, actually, I was already looking last night for something good to cook. I mean, this is serious business Massu! This might actually determine what you and Tegoshi would be for the rest of your lives! Think about it Massu!” Yamapi happily narrated as he was flipping through the cookbook’s pages while sitting on a high stool next to the counter.
                “Ne, Yamapi, why are you supportive about this?” Massu asked. He just had to, it’s been bugging him ever since Yamapi started to support him in his conquest of making Tegoshi his. “I mean, doesn’t it creep you out? Me falling for Tegoshi? A boy to boy relationship?
                Yamapi stopped flipping through the pages, his face was expressionless. He just put back the cookbook at the counter and looked down on his hands. Massu suddenly felt guilty, he shouldn’t have asked the stupid question. It was so insensitive of him to do so. Massu was about to apologize to Yamapi when he suddenly spoke up.
                “It’s because I believe in love,” Yamapi said as he looked straight into Massu’s eyes. Somehow, Massu saw pain flash through in Yamapi’s gentle eyes. He couldn’t quite get it, did somebody hurt Yamapi’s heart before?
                “I was once truly in love with someone,” Yamapi said, answering Massu’s questions, as if he can read his mind. “I loved her enough that I considered quitting JE so that I could truly be with her. She didn’t agree with this and said it was foolish of me to do so. I told her it wasn’t and that I was seriously in love with her. On the day I was going to file my resignation, I found out that she was engaged to another man. No wonder she did not want me to give up JE. It’s because she truly can’t be with me even if I gave my career up. But, whatever, she’s happily married now and I’m truly happy for her.”
                Suddenly, everything clicked in Massu’s mind. Yamapi’s odd behavior early last year, his sudden support in member ai, everything was in place. Then he remembered a particular scenario in their dressing room. It was morning and Shige was watching the morning news. Yamapi, he remembered, was acting weird, like he was going about to say something or throw up instead. And then an announcement, an engagement of a young actress to an extremely rich young businessman.
                “Ne, Yamapi, it’s Maki isn’t it? Horikita Maki?” Massu asked, remembering the actress’ name and Yamapi’s reaction that time when he heard the news.
                Yamapi only smiled at him and said, “It doesn’t matter now, what matters most now is your love story with Tegoshi. And it doesn’t creep me out. Love is love and I’ll support you no matter what.” Massu could only smile and agree to this as Yamapi pointed out various chocolate recipes that he thinks they should try out. In reality, Massu was truly happy because Yamapi trusts him enough to tell him this story and he knows Yamapi will support him all through out.
                “So what do you think?” Massu asked.
                “Oichii!!!” Yamapi chirped happily.
                8 hours later of trying out various recipes, 3 burnt fingers and 2 batches of chocolate cookies set on fire did the 2 finally decide on what to give Tegoshi. It was a chocolate Tiramisu cake with candied cherries on top that Massu himself baked and designed. It looks and tastes good according to Yamapi who was happily devouring a similar cake except it doesn’t have any designs on it.
                “Ne, Massu, you should probably put that in the box already and have a shower cause Tesshi’s expecting you on his doorstep at exactly 2 hours, 24 minutes and 50 seconds,” Yamapi stated while checking his wristwatch.
                “I called up Tegoshi hours ago to set you two up on a date,” Yamapi answered with a playful smile on his face. Massu was dumbstruck. How could he prepare himself for a date with only 2 hours to spare? He should’ve expected this earlier with Yamapi as his back up. The guy has loads of tricks and surprises under his sleeves. “Oi Massu, time’s running out! Don’t dress too formally okay? But not casual either! And can I please have another slice of the cake?” Yamapi asked as he saw Massu dashing up the stairs. “I guess that’s a ‘yes’ then,” Yamapi assumed as he helped himself to another slice of the cake.
                “MASSU!!! You’re going to be late for your date!” Yamapi yelled downstairs. He was tired of waiting for Massu already. He even put the cake in a box himself. “I’m coming!” replied Massu as he was coming down the stairs, buttoning up his jacket. “How do I look?” he asked. “You look great as usual,” Yamapi answered. Massu looked at himself at the full-length mirror, he doesn’t look so bad he noticed. He looked like a prince charming he should be.
                “Oi, don’t forget about this!” Yamapi said as he handed Massu a white box tied with a red ribbon. “Ah, Arigatou!” Masssu thanked. “By the way, I reserved a place at La Madeleine. I told them to reserve the balcony for you two. Also a pianist and a violinist will play tonight for just the two of you,” Yamapi informed Massu who was putting on his shoes. “Arigatou Gozaimasu!” Massu bowed low to Yamapi, he was deeply touched by Yamapi’s support.
                “Ne, don’t mess up okay?” Yamapi said as he threw the car keys to Massu, who was out the door already standing next to Yamapi’s car.
                “I won’t,” Massu replied as he caught the keys mid-air and started up the black convertible. Massu took in a deep breath before bidding Yamapi goodbye and drove towards the night.
                Ding~dong. Ding~dong.
                “It’s me, Massu. Open up the door!”
                “Konbanwa Massu!” Tegoshi greeted as he opened up the door.
                Massu smiled at the sight in front of him. Tegoshi was looking extremely ‘pretty’ today. “So, are you ready to go?” he asked. “Hai, let me just get my scarf okay?” “Sure,” Massu answered as Tegoshi dashed off inside to get his scarf.
                “So where are we going?” Tegoshi asked for the umpteenth time that night. “You’ll see, we’re almost there anyway,” Massu replied. “ Hontou ni?” Tegoshi asked. “Hai, hontou ni,” Massu answered.
                “We’re here,” Massu announced as they finally got to the place.
                “Sir, your keys?” a valet attendant asked as he opened up the car’s door for Massu. He handed him the keys and looked at Tegoshi who was awed with the sight. “Let’s go?” he asked Tegoshi. Tegoshi nodded eagerly and smiled.
                “Monsieur, welcome to La Madeleine, your reservation name please?” a kind-looking old man asked as they reached the front desk. “Uhm, Masuda Takahisa…” Massu answered quite unsure of his answer because Yamapi forgot to tell him that detail. “Ah, yes, Monsieur Masuda Takahisa, reserved balcony, follow this young man please and enjoy your night,” the attendant said with a kind smile on his face.
                “Ne, Massu, I feel like we’re out of Japan already,” whispered Tegoshi as they were following the attendant up a flight of stairs. Massu could only agree, it was a known French restaurant in Japan and once you’ve stepped inside, you’d feel like you were really in France. Everything was romantic, elegant and the fountains were breath taking.
                “Messieurs, the balcony,” the attendant said as he opened up the balcony doors to reveal a spectacular sight. “Sugoi!” Tegoshi exclaimed. The scenery below them was too beautiful to put into words. The city lights were bright and the full moon above them was shining once again. There was a cool breeze that night, carrying along with it the sweet music that was being played. Massu thought it was nothing short of perfect.
                “Don’t you think this night is just perfect Massu?” Tegoshi asked as they have settled down. “Yeah, it is,” Massu replied. In actuality, his heart is soaring to unbearable heights right now. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening right now.
                “The first course will be served in a few minutes,” their attendant informed and left, closing the balcony’s large mahogany doors gently behind him.
                Tegoshi smiled brightly at Massu who was looking at him. The sparkle in his eyes matching the twinkle of the night stars. They talked about nothing in particular, things that didn’t really make much sense if talked about with other people. But to Massu and Tegoshi, these things made much sense and worth their time. Tegoshi was laughing merrily and Massu felt his heart melt and almost reached out his hand to grasp Tegoshi’s.
                “Your dinner is served,” the attendant interrupted and Massu just rolled his eyes.
                “Uwah, that was the best dinner ever Massu!” Tegoshi exclaimed and patted his full stomach. Massu smiled as he patted his full stomach too.
                “Ne, Massu, you should work out more often ne?” Tegoshi said as he put down his champagne glass. “Eh? Nande?” “It’s because your tummy’s getting bigger and you’re losing your abs!” Tegoshi said and laughed out as he saw Massu’s dumbfounded reaction. “I know fangirls would be disappointed to find out that you are losing your precious abs,” Tegoshi added. Massu just pouted and slumped back on his chair. “I’m not that fat you know,” he huffed. Tegoshi just smiled cheekily in response.
                A few moments of silence passed between them as the sweet music continued to serenade them. The cool wind blowing had a sort of an early spring scent and Massu smiles as he saw Tegoshi desperately trying to push back his hair away from his face.
                “Here, let me help you with that,” Massu said as he leans forward to clip Tegoshi’s hair away from his face. “Eh?” Tegoshi says as he touches the clip and figures out that it was a star. Massu just smiles as he sat back down on his chair, clearly amused at the sight of a very girly Tegoshi. He looks cuter this way he mused. Tegoshi just blushed as he saw Massu smiling at him and didn’t really bother to ask Massu anymore why he had a clip in hand.
                “Let’s dance?” Massu asks as he held out his hand in front of Tegoshi. Tegoshi looks up at him and smiles, then happily took hold of Massu’s hands. He laughs as he felt Massu sweeping him off his feet and twirling him around.
                “Thanks for tonight Massu…” Tegoshi whispered against Massu’s chest, hands gripping tighter. “You’re very much welcome,” he replies, smiling warmly as he feels Tegoshi snuggling even closer. He kisses his soft hair and could almost see him smiling in response. They danced slowly, rotating in their spot, the sweet music drowning their hearts with emotions that couldn’t really be explained. And Massu could just cry in happiness as he revels on these feelings.
                “Messieurs, your dessert?” the attendant announced at the doorway. Massu slowly opens his eyes as he felt Tegoshi slowly pull away. He looked at him lovingly and Tegoshi just smiles at him sweetly. He then took hold of his hands and led him back to their table.
                “Her’s your dessert,” the attendant said as he placed carefully two plates of chocolate cake in front of Tegoshi and Massu. Tegoshi’s eyes widened in delight and exclaimed an “Itadakimasu!” before digging in.
                “Umai!” he exclaimed through a mouthful of the chocolate cake. Massu smiled as he took a bite of the cake too. It was indeed delicious. “We should order a whole cake ne Massu? I’d like the others to have a taste of this too!” Tegoshi said while reveling on the taste of the chocolate in his mouth. Massu blushed and almost choked .
                “Is there something wrong Massu?”
                “Erm… actually, I was the one who baked that,” Massu confessed while looking down at his plate.
                Tegoshi stopped midway through his eating, his mouth agape, a bite of the cake almost in his mouth. “I baked the cake a while ago,” Massu added and Tegoshi’s fork dropped and clanked loudly at the contact with the porcelain plates.
                Massu looked up and saw that Tegoshi was looking at him. His brown orbs twinkling with something like confusion and then a flash of happiness and then it changes into something dark and unfathomable. He was chewing on his lower lip and Massu suddenly felt cold all over.
                “Massu…” Tegoshi whispered. “Why are you doing this?” he asked softly. “It’s February 14th today. Do you even know what this means?” he continues to ask, a little frustrated.
                Massu reached for Tegoshi’s right hand, he noticed it was small and warm in his. “I know exactly what it means Tegoshi,” he said as he looked straight into Tegoshi’s eyes. “I love you Tegoshi. I don’t know what took me so long to tell you this. But I love you. I’m truly, madly in love with you,” Massu said as he placed a soft kiss on top of Tegoshi’s hand.
                “I can’t be with you Massu… I’m sorry,” Tegoshi says as he pulls his hand away from Massu’s grasp and looks away. “Tell me why…” Massu almost begs as he gently cups Tegoshi’s face and turns his face towards his again. “Please look at me…” he whispers softly.
                Tegoshi looks at him with tearful eyes and Massu gently wipes them away with his thumb. “I can’t be with you Massu because I’m dating someone else already,” Tegoshi answers, quite angry at himself for leaning more for Massu’s touch. “Who?” Massu croaks out, heart falling already into a thousand pieces.
                And the whole world crumbles in front of Massu. He finds himself unable to react, to feel, to even think of what is actually happening. He sees Tegoshi walk away and leave him alone. And he just watches him go, watches him as he takes away with him his already broken heart.
                The cold wind passes by and Massu shivers as the wind intensifies the coldness he felt in his empty heart. He looks up at the sky, the wind blowing his bangs away from his face as he sees a bright star, twinkling against the velvety black sky. It was mocking him. And he so wants to wrench it off the sky. Then he felt it. A cold single tear slide down his face and Massu knew he was so far gone in his anguish and loneliness.

July 4, 2012 ( Present Day )
                Massu remains silent as the rush of celebrating people pass by him. Some even bothering to stop and greet him a happy birthday, it is only then that he plasters a smile on his face. A fake smile that he perfected years ago.
                He sees Yamapi walking up to him, holding two bottles of beer. He smiles back and accepts the beverage, the cold liquid actually warming his throat as it passes by.
                “How are you doing?”
                Massu cocks his head to the side and shrugs. “I’m doing fine I guess,” he answers as he drinks again. Yamapi looks at him carefully, not really believing him but decides not to question him any further. “I’m just here if you need any help,” he says and Massu just nods.
                Minutes passed since Yamapi left him behind and Massu finds himself sitting at a far corner of the garden where the wedding was supposed to be celebrated. He studies the people passing him by, all wearing formal clothes for such a formal occasion. He knows everyone of them since most of them came from the Jimusho and he practically grew up with these people. He wonders if he should stay there. If he should stay and wait for the ceremony to begin. If he should wait and see his beloved getting married to another man. He slumps back on his seat as he shakes away these thoughts because now’s not really the time to be so emotional. Not now when every freaking people knew him and it would be such an embarrassment to be seen crying by your friends and co-workers.
                He sees Koyama and Shige together, looking thoroughly happy and contented. He feels jealous of them because they found joy in each other’s arms. He wonders when Koyama actually got the courage to confess to the law student, no make that a lawyer now since Shige graduated 2 years ago. He sees them look into each other’s eyes, and he knew that their love was strong enough from the sparkle he sees in them.
                The wind blows softly and Massu begins to swing softly on the white bench swing he was seating on. He closes his eyes and soon, the noises coming from the people around him turns into a more soothing buzz. And he likes that, because right now, he just wants to forget it all, to just sit right there and think about nothing at all. He wants to pretend, even for just a short while, that he had nothing to worry about and that his life is just perfect.
                “Massu… Tegoshi wants to see you.”
                Massu blinks his eyes rapidly and the sun almost scorches his eyes. He faintly recognizes Kame’s petite body in front of him and he blinks just to make sure it was indeed him. “Massu, Tegoshi wants to see you,” Kame repeated softly.
                “Oh…” he replied as he stood up and fixed his jacket. “Where is he?” he asks. “Just follow me ne?” Kame says as he walks in front of Massu.
                “Tegoshi?” Kame calls out as he knocks on a white door. “Hai?” came the answer from the other side of the door. “Masuda-kun is here. Do you want him to come in?” he asks as he smiles at Massu. “Yeah,” Tegoshi replies, almost hesitantly. Kame just smiles at Massu and leaves him behind.
                “Tegoshi?” Massu asks as he enters the room. It was spacious and the large windows gave it a grand aura. Massu’s breath catches in his throat as Tegoshi faces him, the elegant white gown ballooning around him, and his blondish hair tied up elegantly at the back of his head, a small tiara placed delicately on his head, a bouquet of pink myrtles in his hand and a small smile gracing his pretty pink lips.
                “How do I look?” he asks almost uncertain of what he was doing.
                “You look stunningly beautiful,” Massu answers in all honesty. Tegoshi blushes, smiles and looks back at his reflection in the mirror.
                “I can’t believe that’s me,” he says, pertaining to his reflection. The twinkle in his eyes suddenly vanishing and was replaced with something else, something like uncertainty. Their gazes meet at the mirror and Massu feels the walls surrounding his heart slowly starting to collapse. Tegoshi tries to smile and Massu just feels like he was being torn apart.
                “I’m sorry Massu…” he says, eyes filled with sadness and regret.
                “We’ve talked about this Tegoshi a long time ago,” Massu says as he tries to push back the lump forming in his throat. “Please, stop apologizing to me already.”
                Tegoshi’s lower lip quivers and tears started threatening to fall. “I’m just so sorry Massu… I never meant to hurt you…” he softly whispers.
                “Stop. Please,” Massu says, unable to keep the irritation seeping through his words. His words actually making the younger man shiver. “There’s no need to be sorry… You’re happy. And that’s all I could really ask for,” Massu says as he turns his back and leaves the room without so much another thought. And he fails to see a drop of tear fall on Tegoshi’s cheeks and hear the murmur of words that would probably mean so much to them both.
                The wedding ceremony began and people anticipated the arrival of the bride. Ryo was standing proudly in front, with his best man Yamapi, both gentlemen looking stunning in their tuxedos. Massu sits at the very back, almost hidden by the anxious crowd. And he hears it, the collective gasps of the crowd at the sight of the beautiful bride. He manages to smile, albeit bitterly, he doesn’t stop the natural reflex of smiling at the sight of Tegoshi.
                Tegoshi finally manages to arrive at the front, and Ryo smiles at him genuinely, something that is so different from the smiles usually seen from him in the photoshoots. It was a genuine smile of happiness and Tegoshi returns it with a smile of his own. The sight cracks up Massu’s heart, and he wonders if he needs a new heart transplant after seeing this ceremony because he doubts if his heart can properly function again.
                The time arrived when the priest asks if anyone opposes the joining of these two hearts. He sees Yamapi sneak a glance at him and he had to hold himself back on his seat from standing up and humiliating himself in front of the whole crowd. His knuckles turned white as he grips hard on the edge of his seat as he tries his best to shut up. The priest finally starts again and he sees Yamapi relaxing visually and nodding in gratitude to him.
                He fears the exchange of “I Do’s” and wanted so badly to get up and run off from this place. But he can’t. If he stood up and left now, every one would know he left because it was a stupid garden wedding. So he decides to block out the next words as much as possible and he hums softly “Kissu”, trying to reminisce about the past he spent with Tegoshi.
                It troubles him then to see every head turn towards his direction. He wonders if he was humming too loudly and bows slightly in apology for disturbing the ceremony. He looks back at the altar and sees the priest peeking at him through the top of his glasses, an open bible in hand, his thin mouth pursed. He looks at Yamapi who had an expression of something, somewhere in between shock and disbelief. He turns his attention to Ryo, who was looking like he was about to burst out in anger, like he wants to pounce on Massu and beat the living daylights out of him but was doing a fine job of holding himself back.
                He finally looks at Tegoshi who was smiling. He was actually smiling when everyone around him looks like they were mourning or something. “I love you,” he says and Massu had to shake his head and clear his head to make sure he wasn’t hearing things.
                “I love you!!!” Tegoshi repeated louder this time, his smile growing wider by the second. Massu had to grasp something for support as this confession hit him hard. “I love you Masuda Takahisa!!!” Tegoshi practically screams out loud as he gathers up his dress and runs toward him. It took him a few minutes to realize what was happening, and when he did, he stood up from his seat and meets Tegoshi half-way.
                The hug they shared was crushing but sweet at the same time. The people gaping at them like goldfish but they didn’t really mind, they were used to the attention anyway. Tegoshi buries his face on Massu’s chest and inhales deeply, the masculine scent of Massu filling his nostrils and his soul. “I love you Massu…” he repeats again, his voice almost inaudible but Massu feels his heart begin to swell again. “I love you too,” he whispers back and feels himself drown in the happiness he was feeling.
                “Ahem, Ahem…”
                Tegoshi broke free from Massu’s embrace and felt his face burn up in a matter of seconds. The priest was looking expectantly at them and Tegoshi’s actions came crashing down at him. He looks up at Ryo who’s expression was now unreadable and Tegoshi honestly looks so apologetic right now to what he did to his Ryotan. He grabs Massu’s hand as he drags him in front of the altar and stops directly in front of Ryo. Tegoshi bowed low and Massu followed suit.
                “I’m sorry for what I did to you Nishikido-kun,” Tegoshi started, forehead touching the red carpet that was laid out on top of the grass. “I’m very sorry too,” Massu says, bowing even lower. Ryo stares at the back of their heads, his mind and heart debating if he should forgive these two. But he smiles a short while after. Realizing he couldn’t really be mad at them. They were after all like brothers.
                “It’s okay,” he says as he pulls the two up to their feet. “It’s honestly okay. I should be the one apologizing in the first place since I took Tegonyan away from you Massu,” Ryo apologizes as he scratches the back of his head. Massu just shakes his head no and says that he was truly sorry for ruining this wedding.
                “What do you mean ruining my wedding?” he says as he shoves Massu in front of the priest. “Don’t mind me, this is also Tegonyan’s wedding and if he wants to marry you, then you have my blessing,” he says and steps backward, leaving the two in front.
                Massu couldn’t believe what was happening to him right now. Was he actually going to be married to Tegoshi now? He looks at his left and sees Tegoshi smiling brightly at him and Massu decides to push away these thoughts at the back of his mind. Because all that really matters now is that he was going to be married to the love of his life. He smiles as he feels Tegoshi slip his delicate hands in his and directs his full attention to the priest in front of them who starts all over again the ceremony. He suddenly felt pity towards the old man.
                The sudden turn of events surprised the guests but all the same, they were still happy for the new couple. All of them gave their blessing, including Ryo’s family and parents, and it truly made the newly wed couple happy. The reception was filled with joyful laughter and clinks of champagne glass and china wares. Eventhough, everything had to be changed impromptu, it was still perfect in Masuda’s eyes.
                Their honeymoon night was sweet and perfect. The cool sea breeze blowing in cooling the overheated room. Their lovemaking was perfect, and Tegoshi cries out in happiness as he felt that he was finally complete. He snuggles closer to Massu’s broad chest as he comes down from the high. A gentle smile gracing his lips and leaves a small kiss on top of Massu’s heart. He hears it beating and it almost lulls him to sleep.           
                “I wrote a song for you.”
                Tegoshi quirks an eyebrow, surprised that Massu could actually write a song. “What’s the title?”
                “To tell you I love you…” Massu whispers.
                Tegoshi just smiles as he wraps his arms around his husband, sleep wanting to claim him so badly. He closes his eyes and whispers, “You don’t really have to tell me that Massu, because I know you do…”

                The news about the controversial wedding of Nishikido Ryo-Tegoshi Yuya turned Masuda Takahisa-Tegoshi Yuya filled the tabloids early morning the day after. Johnny kept quiet about the news, saying that such a wedding taking place between two boys, and a JE at that was ridiculous. This comment was taken lightly by the fan girls who kept on googling for more photos of the wedding.
                Nishikido Ryo is now dating Uchi Hiroki, who shortly got back from his suspension and resumed his activities as an Eito and NewS member. They were rumored to be spotted at a place in Osaka holding hands and talking about their own marriage as well.
                Koyama Keiichiro and Kato Shigeaki are still in the dating level, neither really having the initiative to take their relationship to the next level. Koyama is still helping out with his family’s ramen shop and Shige is now a successful lawyer next to his job as an idol.
                Yamapi was seen with Horikita Maki. The young lady was now a widow, her husband died of a tragic car accident. Rumor has it that Maki is pregnant and Yamapi is helping her out with the delivery of the baby.
                And SuShi? Well, they’re just happy to be together and continues to sing songs that makes fan girls’ heart flutter and love them even more.

A/N: erm... yeah, my brain's on the verge of exploding now.
sushi is giving me a hard time now. bad!!! hehe...
it's soooooooooooo long.... so i'm sorryyy!!!
anyway, gotta rest now... ahahahaha...
so yeah, i had to drive myself to finish this on time for massu's bday!!!

massu!!! otnajoubi omedetou!!! ahihihi... ^_______^

love it? hate it?
if you hate it, go click the back space and shut the fuck up! lol.XD

anyway, comments are loved!!!

yoroshiku onegaishiMASSU!!! ^________^

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