Crawling Back to You

Sep 16, 2008 18:45

The cold is slowly seeping in through his skin. The rain is still pouring hard and the thunder is deafening with lightning cracking against the black sky every now and then. His wet hair is sticking to the back of his neck, water already pooling in front of him from the droplets falling off his bangs. He can’t find enough strength anymore to cry out. The rain must’ve washed it away while he was running to this place, to Tegoshi’s place.

“I’m sorry…” he whispers hoarsely. He winces at how bad his voice sounds. Johnny would be angry at him for letting this happen to himself. But fuck this, fuck Johnny Kitagawa. He doesn’t care anymore. He needs his Tegoshi now, he needs him desperately now, he needs him by his side forever.

He wonders why life had to be so fucked up that he had to find himself in this position now. Drenched wet and freezing from the cold, balled up right hand resting against the white front door, his knees bruised and tired from kneeling for hours. He rests his forehead against the door and bangs on the door again. He could feel his tears running down his chubby face again as he cries out another apology.

Tegoshi‘s tired. He’s tired of crying for hours now. Ever since he heard Massu’s first loud knock on his door, a tear already fell unwillingly. It’s already 9 in the evening, the rain hasn’t stopped and he knows it’s freezing outside. He so much wanted to open the door right now and envelope his Massu in a tight hug that could warm him up to his very soul. But it isn’t going to be fair. Massu left him out in the cold too. How could his angel cheat on him for another?

He sobs and hiccups as he hears another sorry from Massu followed by another bang against the door. He was sitting on the floor, knees pulled up, and his back resting against the door. With every bang against the door, he could feel his very being shaken. He sobs again, but his eyes could cry no more. His eyes are dry, there are no more tears to cry.

“Tesshi… please…” Massu whispers out, he himself doubting if the person he loves the most could hear him or not. Then he almost fell face forward as finally, the white door swings open. He looks up and sees the tear-stained face of Tegoshi and he almost breaks apart into a million pieces more. He hastily stands up and crushes the younger man in a hug. He hears another sob and then feels himself being hugged back. He then closes his eyes and lets himself drown in the wave of emotions that hit him.

“I’m sorry Tesshi…” he whispers moments later. “The rumors aren’t true, I wasn’t shopping for a home with Yui-chan. I don’t love her Tesshi. You know that. I can only love you…” Massu explains and then kisses Tegoshi. The kiss was soft and only lingered for a while. “I’m sorry Tesshi, I didn’t want to tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise,” he continues. Tegoshi looks up and sees the sparkle in Massu’s eyes once again. He felt his heart skip a beat when Massu suddenly kisses his hand and bends on one knee. “Massu…” Tegoshi whispers out, his left hand clutching the front of his own shirt.

“Tesshi, I want to start a new life with you. I want to be there with you when the sun rises on your face, and to be there, holding you when it fades again from the day. I love you and I will not say anything anymore because it’s the only thing that matters the most. Tegoshi Yuya, please marry me,” Massu says as he pulls out a red box from his jeans. He opens it with one hand to reveal a silver ring. It’s simple but it’s beautiful.

By then, Tegoshi could only sob uncontrollably. He didn’t expect this to happen. He tries his very best to say yes, that he wants to marry him, but all the crying must’ve made him incapable of speaking for the time-being. So he nods instead with a smile so genuinely happy that it melted Massu’s heart all the more.

“I love you…” Massu whispers as he slips in the band into Tegoshi’s right ring finger. The moment it was in place, Tegoshi captured Massu’s lips in a breath-taking kiss. Their minds whirling, too caught up on it all. When they pulled apart, short of breath but blissful, Massu wrapped his arms around his fiancée protectively. He kissed the top of Tegoshi’s hair as the other snuggled closer.

“I’ll always love you Tegoshi, and whatever happens, I’ll always come crawling back to you…”

uwwwaaaaaaahh~!!! it's been so long ne?
i haven't written a fanfic for awhile now... so i'm sorry if this isn't good...
it's unbeta-ed, spur of the momet fic... so yeah...
I bet there are a lot of mistakes in there...
just don't mind it ne? hihi...
i missed you guys...

I MISSED YOUR COMMENTS!!! ^___________________^

so leaving one would be really nice...


fanwork: fanfiction, pairing: tegoshi/massu

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