Jul 03, 2005 14:52
Do you ever feel like breaking down/ Do you ever feel out of place/ Like somehow you just don't belong/ And no one understands you... - Welcome To My Life (by Simple Plan)
We didn't bomb the play. WE DIDN'T BOMB THE PLAY! It turned out great. Although I ended up forgetting my monologue for the "Monument of Leonato" scene. Oh well. I think I might've saved myself...maybe? Here's what I did:
'Good morrow, Masters. Put your torches out. The wolves have preyed; And look, the day...beneath the wheels of Pheobus (sp?)...>Insert long period of thinking here< COME! Let us hence to Leonato's!'
Lol. Okay, so maybe I didn't save it that greatly...because I looked like an ubber 'tard when I did that. Oh well. We still got claps at the end. And my 'bow' group did this OVERLY big bow...it was funny. I was in a 'bow' group with Ben and Collin. Very interesting, really. I loved GS this year. Well...besides the trip. I'm going to miss everyone from the Drama Strand. I loved them dearly. We grew pretty close in the three weeks we were there.
I'm hoping to hear from my buddies up there sometime soon. I know it's only been two days, but I really really miss them. Hm...perhaps we could reunite the Drama people soon. Maybe for pizza and some more marriages?! lol That would be interesting. Hm...I'll think on that some more later. Anyone from Drama that reads this, let me know your thoughts on that idea. K?
As for my summer so far...I'm wanting to get back into school. OH GOOD GRIEF! I don't even know the alto sax yet. I really need to learn that. Um...I also need to memorize my band music. I feel like Madam Procrastination all over again. lol
Today we had our Fourth of July picnic with the whole of Mommaw's family. Well...excluding my cousins Jesse, Joseph, and Jacob. I don't know why they didn't come. It was refreshing to see everyone again, though. I hadn't seen a lot of them since Christmas. My little cousins Austin Elizabeth and Zoey were here as well. They're so cutems. Austin Elizabeth hugged me, but Zoey seemed frightened to do so.
I decided to be weird and rent this Anime called "SuperGals!". It was alright. I rented the first and second DVD to it. Actually...I kind of enjoyed it. -waits for Collin to yell at her-
This morning Leigh called me at seven. Or maybe it was seven thirty. Not sure. Either way, I wasn't awake until she called. So I was all "Mm....?" when I picked it up. She went "Hello? Did I wake you up?" and I went "Mmhm...hello..." And I was all sleepy. She went "Did I wake you up? You're so cute when you just have woken up."
I don't think my family member Cathy likes me too much. She hasn't said barely a WORD to me today. She's been so cold-shouldered toward me. I don't know. Maybe I'm too paranoid.
I'm going to go. I love you guys so much!!!! XOXO
Love always,
Nikkii Lynn
(Prince Pedro of Aragon)