Oops, forgot to post last week's
3 ears of corn, a nice small head of lettuce, 2 summer squash, a bunch of cherry tomatoes, 3 peaches, 3 apples, a pint of blueberries, and a bunch of plums.
We ended up cooking the corn on Saturday but didn't eat it, so I scraped it down and it's in the fridge. We need to use it up, as we have one ear from the previous week's corn in the fridge too, and this week's corn. I may end up cooking the ears tomorrow night and cutting off the corn and freezing it if it doesn't look like we'll eat it Friday. I had a few leaves of the lettuce on a sandwich, but that lovely head of lettuce hasn't been touched by me for salad reasons. I just don't have the time/energy to make salads, as I can't make small ones and it takes me a long time to prep. I do need to get back into that habit, tho.
Lou ate the cherry tomatoes, we had at least one peach go bad but I ate the other two, and I think one apple went bad but I know I had one.
I chopped up the 2 zucchini to make into zucchini fries, and they were okay, but not great. I had a TON of leftover sticks (seriously, the recipe I use called for 4 zucchini, I cut everything in half for 2 and there was NO WAY I could have gotten everything on all the leftover "fries" I had). So I had Lou put some in my bag for snacks at work, with some blue cheese dressing for dip.
And this is when I learned that eating raw zucchini is very bad. I had stomach cramps so bad, basically as bad as the last time I had a banana, which was horrible. I felt bloated and like crap all night. Googling showed me that yeah, this can and does happen, so the rest of the zucchini fries (YES we still had a ton left) got thrown out. I will always sautee my zucchini now. Or just put one or two slices on a salad.
I think we still have those leeks, so I'll have to figure out something to do with them.
Backdating this post so it will show up in the proper week.