Gaming stuff that's *not* WoW? Unheard of!
So my husband's starting a new D&D game a week from this coming Sunday, and I have been told I can pick between two of my character choices. Oh,
matociquala, he said you can be the cleric of our trickster god, who in this case is named The Fool. :)
So my choices are: female barbarian/fighter, as the husband is calling her, Barbarian Princess - she's going to be the daughter of one of the former PCs and an NPC, who are now the leaders of an area nearby. The game will be taking place in a wildland sort of situation, and this daughter will have been fostered out and is at this location for that reason.
The other option is an elven cleric (of the god of magic)/wizard/mystic theurge. Original mystic theurge concept goes entirely to
technophobia, who gave me it as an NPC idea back when I was running my game, and he totally hosed the PCs (in a fun way!...well, for me!), so I was thinking of giving this a go, too.
The rest of the PCs are a rage mage (barbarian/wizard, who will be using rage stuff for spell improvements), a scout, and a ranger (who will be swapping out some feats and things, and doing sword and shield for his dual wield specialization), and a paladin.
Husband isn't sure what he's going to be doing for an NPC right now. He had an idea for a cleric of the Fool, but since Sarah has that covered, he'll be thinking of something else to do.
The barbarian/warrior would be much more simple to deal with, of course. No need to worry about multiple spell lists. And we already have other spellcasters for both the other primary classes, plus a paladin. But we also already potentially have some front line fighters in the modified ranger and the paladin as well.
So I'll have to give it some thought this weekend. The barbarian princess is definitely going to be female, but the elven mystic theurge has been speaking male to me every time I think about him.
I also have to decide what I'm going to do about the new Monday game. Husband has pretty much decided to not do it, so I have to figure out if it's worth going to the new store location and trying to find parking with the van all winter long. Hollow Earth *seems* fun, and we did make the GM use his alternate idea - originally we were all going to be in a sub looking for a lost explorer, and now we're all going to be in some remote place in the UK that gets teleported - the whole village - into the Hollow Earth. So I could play the Survivor concept I came up with that seems to be stuck in my head now. So I think my character is going to be someone who got teleported when the artifact that causes the disruption was in Egypt, probably from the late 1800s. Whee, Victorian! Someone else is playing a native guide, so he'll have been responsible for keeping me alive until this 1930s group arrives. Of course, time flows oddly, so maybe it's only been a few months.
I think I will give it a shot, but not worry about it if I end up not being able to go.
Oh, and also, one of the players asked if his eight-year-old could join us in the game, WHILE THE KID WAS WITH US AT THE TABLE. That is just *not on* to the GM or to the player. I personally don't care, I hope he has fun. But if you were expecting an honest answer, best not to do it when the kid can hear you say, "No, I don't want him in the game."
The weekend can't get here soon enough, ktxbai. And this damned COLD can't go away soon enough!