The far-less-glorious-than-last-time end to my NaNoWriMo experience

Nov 23, 2010 17:31

As of this evening, I am officially sort of declaring my NaNoWriMo over. What the hell does that mean, you ask?


What it means is that I've hit 50k (twice!) and have a map, mental or literal for the rest of each novel, but neither one is a finished, now-let's-submit-to-betas draft like Double Blind was last year or even Nowhere Ranch was last summer. What it means is that I'm not playing ES Posthumus because I typed the last word of the last scene. What it means is that there's gonna be a hell of a lot of editing come January. (I'm going to try for some in December, but Christmas consumes all, always.) I have two solid stories. I have bones. I even have some general concepts.

However, there's no way I will sail smoothly into all the pieces falling into place by November 30 on either book. I can flush out some more scenes, and I intend to do so. But I won't get them all by November 30, and I won't have that thrilling end of novel experience. Which is a bummer.

So today is the day I'm saying "done." Later tonight I'm going to validate both my novels. Then I'm going to read and watch Glee and be lazy. Tomorrow I'm going to bake a pie and start cleaning my house and rejoining my family, while also trying to get to some write-ins and flush out some more scenes.

I'll also be putting together a newsletter and updating my website and all sorts of other exciting housekeeping stuff. But for now, I declare victory.



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