Another goddamn fucking bat

Sep 07, 2009 20:39

I don't think I was keeping a livejournal when we first had a bat in our house, but to recap: Anna was a baby, we had four cats, and we woke to the latter hunting the bat in between our bedrooms.  They stunned it, Dan trapped it, and the next day, after fighting off DNR and public health, took it to be tested.  Then they had our doctor call to tell us we had to go get the shots because it was rabid, and the cats had to get boosters.

We had another bat in that house that turned up in a bin I'd kept in the attic, and we had a bat here when we first moved in, trapped between the screen and the storm window.  This one tonight was found unresponsive above Anna's bed, lying on an overturned picture frame.  No idea how or when it came in; my suspicion is that it either came in tonight via a gap on the front porch and a cat killed/stunned it, or it came in last night and flew around during the evening and a cat killed/stunned it.  There's a strong possibility of it being last night because Bingley came in from 3AM on every half hour to bug me, I thought for food, but I think in hindsight this was, "Hey, Mom!  I killed a bat! Come see!" Whatever the case, Dan called public health, and they said it doesn't count as a human exposure, but he can pay for the test if he wants to.  He wants to.  If it comes back negative, no big.  If it comes back positive, though it'll be optional according to them, I know Dan will say we're all getting the booster, cats too. The good news is since we've all done it once already, it's just booster from here on out, not a series.

All I know is I fucking hate bats in the house.  I know they're environmental wizards and I know there's some horrible fungus maybe going to kill them all, but I fucking hate them in the house.  I hate things that fly.  I really hate things that fly that might have incurable diseases. 

like i needed this

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