Kiss ?

Oct 19, 2008 22:19

Title : Kiss ?

Author : hei_sei (me)

Pairing : DaiChii, YabuTaro

Genre : fluff ? (failed >__<)

Rating : PG - 13

Words : 1548

Author's Note : this is my first fanfiction! and I guess I failed! T___T

sorry for the grammatical error! I'm not really good at english T___T

well it is! hope you like it

and...comments are love ^^

In Hey!Say!JUMP room, Chinen looked around and found sleeping Ryutaro, on the sofa Yabu reading a magazine while listen to his mp3, and Daiki sitting on the chair with a sleepy eyes. then Chinen approach Daiki.

“Dai-chan can I sit on your lap ?” Chinen said with his cutest smile.

“sure come here Chii” Daiki reply. he knows that he can’t refuse that smile

Chinen climb to Daiki's lap and start to read the manga that he was holding

Daiki hug Chinen and rest his chin on Chinen shoulder "you read a shoujo manga ?"

"eh, I haven't buy new manga…so I borrowed my sister's" Chinen answer, eyes glued to the manga. Daiki nodded, then he heard 'your seed' ringtone ringing out from his pocket

he got his cellphone out of the pocket

"hello ? huh ?? oh..okay then" end of the phone. Daiki put his cellphone back to his pocket.

"what happend Dai-chan ?" ask Chinen. "nothing, Hikaru just said that he and Inoo will come a little late" answer Daiki while resting his chin again on chinen shoulder and close his eyes. Chinen nodded and back to the manga.

not long after that, Daiki almost fall asleep on Chinen shoulder. but Chinen wake him up.

"ne, Dai-chan what are they doing ?" while pointing at the manga

"They're…kissing Chii..." answer the sleepy Daiki " woke me up just to ask something like this ?"

"Sorry Dai-chan....but why are they kissing ???" Chinen ask again.

"Because they like each other" answer Daiki "and to show how much they like the person" continue Daiki.

"oh...then can I kiss Dai-chan ? since I like Dai-chan so much!" said Chinen loud, enough to make Daiki surprised and fully awake now.

"eh? well..yo can.. but kiss is for the one that you really like the most and want to be always with you" answer Daiki with a blush on his face and he feels that his heart is beating a little faster than before.

"but I like Dai-chan the most!" Chinen replied. now Daiki's face is as red as a tomato and his heart beat even faster.

"re..really ?" Daiki doesn't know what to reply anymore. "yeah! I like Dai-chan the mooooooost! I like Dai-chan more than Ohno-kun!"

before Daiki could answer that, Chinen already said something again "ne Dai-chan..what is this kiss thing feel like ?"

"well...I don't know Chii, since I've never kissed someone before" Daiki reply, his heart beat slow down a little but his face is still red.

"he.. Dai-chan never kiss someone before ??? that means, Dai-chan doesn't have someone that you really like the most ???"

"I have... but I don't have the courage to say that I like him" said Daiki.

"tell me tell me! who is the one that you like ???" said Chinen curiously. but secretly, he felt his heart ache.

“but…I guess now I’ll have that courage, because…” Daiki look at Chinen in the eyes, their eye met.

Daiki throw a smile to Chinen. the little one smile back to the older one.

Instead of continue his word, Daiki's getting closer and closer to the little one, until he closed the space between them.

he planted a sweet kiss on Chinen lips.

Chinen looked a little surprise, then Daiki pulled away.

" the one that I like the most is you, Chii" said Daiki with smile on his face and gently put a soft kiss on Chinen lips again.

"so Dai-chan like me the most too ?" said Chinen innocently." of course Chii, I like you the most".

"so Chii, now you know how a kiss is like ? how was it feel? " ask Daiki with a grin on his face.

"Daiki's lips is so soft! and sweet like a candy! I like it!" Chinen said and make Daiki blush a little

"thanks Chii…but is it really sweet ?"


" oh! maybe it's because I ate a lot of strawberry candy this morning"

"candy ? do you still have it ? I want oneee~" ask chinen.

"sorry Chii.. I’ve already ate it all" reply the oldest one that makes the little one sad

"but you still can feel the sweetness from my lips" said Daiki and kiss Chinen on the lips again

"eeh.. okay then!" Chinen replied happily

Chinen kiss Daiki back so he can feel the sweetness of the candy from Daiki's lips. Daiki want to deepen the kiss, because Chinen's lips is so soft and sweet, but he thought that.. maybe Chinen is not ready, so he just plant some other light peck on Chinen's lips... for now. hehe

Ryutaro just awake from his beauty sleep, and when he open his eye.. he saw Chinen kissed Daiki.

"Daiki, what just Chinen did to you ?" said Ryutaro innocently

"oh Ryutaro! finished your nap just now ?" Chinen said as he pulled away so he can talk to Ryutaro

"yeah, just now..when you did something to Daiki, so what did you do to Daiki ??" Ryutaro ask again, now he really curious about it

"eh... did I do something to Daiki ??" Chinen reply innocently

before Ryutaro can reply, Daiki said something "you mean something like this ?"

then he kissed Chinen.

"yeah, that one!" reply Ryutaro as fast as a storm. " oh! it's called a ki-" before Chinen could finish his line, Daiki shut Chinen's mouth with his hand.

"why don't you ask Yabu-kun, Ryutaro ?" Daiki suggested.

"well okay then, whatever..."Ryutaro reply, stand up and go to where Yabu is.

"ne Dai-chann why you stopping me from telling Ryutaro that what I just do is a k--" Daiki not letting the little one finish his line.. again and just shut his mouth, but now Daiki use his lips instead of his hand.

"just watch it Chii.." Daiki whisper to Chinen's ear that makes Chinen giggle, while pointing to Yabu and Ryutaro.


Ryutaro poked Yabu's shoulder "Yabu-kun..."

Yabu took off his earphone "What's the matter Ryutaro ?" he smile nicely to Ryutaro

"I want to ask you something".

"yeah ? what do you wanna ask ?"

"Just now, Chinen did something to Daiki..I don't know what is it. when I ask Daiki he's not answering me and told me to ask you instead"

"well... okay what did Chinen did to Daiki then ?"

"that's the one that I want to know". "eh? how am I supposed to answer that question ??" now Yabu is confused

"ehh....but I wanna know what is it" Ryutaro feel disappointed and gave a pout to Yabu

Yabu sigh, "okay okay, can you do what chinen did before ? so I can tell you what is it" Yabu answer patiently

"Okay!" Ryutaro answer happily. He sits on yabu’s lap and move closer.. and closer.

Yabu confused.

why is Ryutaro getting closer and closer to him. he felt a little heart beat and sweating.

when Ryutaro's face is just a centimeter from Yabu, suddenly Yabu's eye wided open

Oh This can't be! don't tell me what Chinen did to Daiki is a ki--, before Yabu could finish his tought,

Ryutaro already pressed his lips on yabu's

which makes Yabu's eyes looked even wider than before, it looked like it could come out anytime soon.

Followed by Daiki's grin that just getting wider and wider, and Chinen just watch it innocently.

"so yabu-kun! what is it ??" Ryutaro ask him again with his innocent smile.

Yabu still shocked. drown in his tought.

Ryutaro safe Yabu from drowning by poking Yabu's side.

"Yabu?! Why are you spacing out ??? so what is it ???" now Ryutaro is really curious, can't wait patiently

" was a k..." before Yabu finish his answer he looked to Daiki angrily.

Daiki just gave Yabu a grin "hey Chii! Cmon I'll buy you candies" Daiki ignored Yabu

"okay! Hurry up Dai-chan " Chinen is really happy now.

Daiki and Chinen disappear from the room, leaving Yabu and Ryutaro alone.

Yabu sigh again, why did I tell Daiki that I like Ryutaro yesterday...drown in his tought again

"Yabu-kun! are you gonna answer me or not ??!" now Ryutaro got a little mad and pout again

"okay was ...a kiss" Yabu answer shyly

"what is a kiss ?"

"kiss is....well... ki.. kiss is one of many way to show how you like someone" after Yabu finished his explain about the kiss

Ryutaro keep silent for a couple minutes. and Yabu don't know what to say or do and just nervously sat there.

"so....Yabu-kun do you like me ?" finally Ryutaro talk. his cheek turned pink when he said that

while Yabu has a red-red scarlet cheek now.

I guess it's now or never. Yabu said that on his mind

"yeah, I like you you ?" Yabu ask

Ryutaro smile happily. he looked like his hamster now. " I like you too Yabu-kun!" Ryutaro hugged Yabu tightly.

Yabu shocked but hug Ryutaro back. he smile and felt relief that Ryutaro likes him too.

I guess..I have to say thanks to Daiki instead of beating him.


"hmm ?" answer Yabu and smile.

Ryutaro kiss Yabu again, Yabu surprise but kiss Ryutaro back.


After buying candies, Daiki and Chinen went back to the room

on the way Chinen ask Daiki about what happend before

"nee.. Dai-chan why didn't you tell Ryutaro before ??" apparently, Chinen is still so curious about that.

"I'll tell you but you have to kiss me first" Daiki tease Chinen. he poke his own lips as a gesture that the kiss must be on his lips.

And Chinen peck Daiki's lips as he was told to.

“so…why was it ?” Chinen ask again.

“on second thought…I don’t want to tell you” said Daiki. And a grin appear on Daiki's face

“Dai-chaaaaan!” Chinen chase Daiki who already run into the room.

fanfiction, daichii

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