Hi! I'm New Here~

Sep 17, 2008 01:44

huff....hellow everyone (why am I nervous now…XD)
I'm new here in LJ...I came to LJ, cause there's sooo many things and info of Hey!Say!JUMP XD

I really like love Hey!Say!JUMP especially Chinen *kyaa kyaa!* hahaha
he’s just so irresistable..look at him so..so cute but there’s a cool part of him too
I like it when he’s dancing and singing, but most of it, I love when he’s smiling
Chii smile is so…LOVE *what am I saying now* (okay I’ll stop haha~)

but I like Daiki, Ryutaro, Ryosuke, Yuto, Hikaru, Keito, Inoo, Yuya, and Yabu too! …wait a minute it’s all of them! *I’m such a greedy person XD*
My dream is to go to Japan and meet all of HSJ members but not in their concert,,
Then go to amusement park together :]

Alrighty then! Maybe I wouldn’t have good information or something good to share with everyone about Hey!Say!JUMP, cause I don’t really have much time to search all weeks for it..maybe I ‘ll just be a consumer here, cause my japanese is still sucks
 But I’ll start learn it in near future
But when I find something interesting about them (I mean HSJ) I’ll definitely give that to all of you ASAP
(I think I just saying about HSJ all the time..well what can I do)

And Sorry if my English is not that good~
And again, maybe..I'll rarely come to my LJ around this weeks
I have my middle semester test next week >__<
Wish me luck!!

It's nice to meet you all hope we all can be best friends!! ^^
And tell me if I do something wrong, key ??
and please help me cause I’m still new here :]

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu minna!

edited XDD 

I just recognized~ I haven't told you my name...where I came from ....etc XDD
so yeah...this is it hahaha~ (read it if you want and leave if you don't want) yeah~

atashi wa Nara desu! but you can call me Na-chan~ (yoroshiku na~!)
I'm Indonesian~ yay! hehe
and I love Chinen (....I already told you that..right ?) khuhuhu~ *evil grin
I born in heisei era in the same year as Chinen (my luck)
and just 9 days older than Yuto~ (I'm older than him and he's taller than me! it's not fair) >3
to make it simple~ I'm 15 now :D
ow...and I'm a girl~ not a boy...nyahahaha~
I like to make fanfic about HSJ~
I like DaiChii! (1st OTP ever!)
but I like NaChii! more (mexChii) XDD I never make a fic about this before but I hope this pair will be real someday in the future! yatta! *got shot, smacked, whacked, and aah! there's granat coming! *gotta run!
sorry! Gotta go! XD
I...kinda busy now~ yeah! Chii and Daiki fans hunt me now....they all so scary XD
whoops gotta go!  jya ne~ hope we can be good friends! :3
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