Jul 04, 2007 10:16
mmm life is good.
i have one boy.
road trip time!
happy 4th
OH surgery. so i had this thing removed from my foot a couple months ago. they did a biopsy. i think it was just a disgusting wart. sist thing. but they didnt say... that.... ooohhheyyy. okey. anywho. so i got it removed. skin stitched up. then stitches taken out. then i was good. then a couple weeks ago... it started growing back. and now its still growing. day by day. and its about 4 or 5 times the size it was when they took it out. so i went to the docs yesterday, told them to cut it out. but he said it was so big now they would have to go to the surgery center because instead of one inch. its going to be about a 4 or 5 inch row of stitches... eeeeee. so tomorrow morning im going to the ER room and they're going to put me under to cut open my foot. :-( im scared. but i think what was worse was having to get my blood drawn and tested and shots and all this stuff yesterday to prepare for surgery. im so scared of needles. im so fucking scared. ohhh AND i had to get a physical and surgery clearance. so i had three people touching me naked. hahah . there is only one person allowed to do that. and he was not there . rules have been broken my friends.
what else.
ahhh im late. i need to jump in a shower.
good bye friends.
pianos on rooftops -
p.s. roey kruvi??