Apr 11, 2006 01:22
1. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?
a selfish wish? the ability to break all my bad habits instantly.
a serious wish? for everyone to realize how badly they treat the environment and start caring and doing things to fix it.
2. Which one moment would you relive, not change, but just experience again, if you had to repeat a moment?
I would relive the moment I first knew I loved George. I choose this moment, because I've always been curious about when exactly it was and whether I was surprised or relieved or excited or what.
3. Do you think there is one thing you could change about yourself, (how you respond to things or see the world or behave or whatever,) that would make your life easier, and if so what is it and why?
I would be more opinionated. I've been getting better at this, but I still tend to defer to other people. I don't feel strongly about very many things, and this is a pretty sure-fire conversation stopper. I would like to have interesting viewpoints on a variety of issues, and be knowledgeable enough to defend my position to others. This way I could keep conversations going when they falter, be in touch with what's going on in the world and learn how to argue better.
4. If your dorm were burning down and you only had time to grab one object to save, what would you take and why?
the scrapbook my family made me when I left for college. and if there was still time, my drawer full of letters.
5. If you were a boy for a day, (24 hours,) what would you do?
I would have a lot of sex. I've always wondered what it feels like on the other side of things, and that would be a damn good opportunity to find out. : ) I would also go hang with my guy friends and have 'male bonding time,' because that would be so funny!
001. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
002. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
003. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
004. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
005. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.