Drive By Update

Aug 22, 2007 12:44

Two years ago today, my country's government failed to do right by the citizens of a town I happen to have a real soft spot for. I haven't forgotten, even if I'm not sure what I can personally do to make sure that New Orleans comes back from Hurricane Katrina and the neglect that followed--comes back as the city that I saw as a refuge.

In other news, my new computer? Still somewhere between here and China. FedEx's tracking website refuses to update every three seconds as my not-so-inner twelve year old self would like it to.

Also on the computer front, am now trying to figure out what external keyboard and mouse to get. I need a full sized external keyboard for home because of the way that my desk is set up to avoid too much arm/shoulder/neck/back strain, but I like all the keyboards I use regularly to have about the same configuration and key weight and such, so I'm thinking I need a mac keyboard for home (so that I don't get cranky when I switch from a non-Mac one to the one on the laptop itself.) However, Mac keyboards lack a "print screen" key, which I sort of use semi-often.

So, Mac folks, can you customize the functions of the keys on the Mac keyboards? You must be able to, right?

I have already bought a pretty black cover to keep her from getting scratched, and picked up Office for Mac and Windows XP so I can partition the hard drive. The new computer will fit in my current bag--I tried it out at the store to make sure. The new router is up and running.

Other than that, still warm and sunny. You know, it's LA. That's not going to change.

computer, hurricane katrina, mac, new orleans

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