avanti_90 just did this meme, which reminded me of how much I enjoyed it
the first time around, and I could use some ridiculousness to help jump-start more serious plotting. So:
1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself.
2) Ask your flist to post questions in the comments. For example:
'One, Nine and Fifteen move in together. Is this a really bad idea?'
'Under what circumstances might Five and Seven fall in love?'
'Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?'
3) After your flist has asked enough questions, round them up and answer them using the characters you selected beforehand, then post them.
*runs off to concoct list of characters*
This entry was originally posted at
http://hedda62.dreamwidth.org/100073.html. There are currently
comments there. Comment here or there.