Scariest Interview Ever

May 08, 2008 14:51

So I just went to my 2nd of 4 interviews today. It was almost 2 hours in length, I was interviewed by 6 people, including the HR rep, 2 people who would work directly for me, 2 of my peers and one person who I'm not sure what they do. After they spent 45 minutes throwing questions at me, some easy, some not so easy, I got a tour of all 3 of thier local facilities.

The first on is where my sister is, it's a day program, most of the participants have some kind of job, either in house or out in the community. Pretty cut and dried, 50 participants, 25 staff, no biggie.

# 2 on our tour is a little different. It is also a day program, but no one works. There are more behavioural challenges and several participants with moderate to sever mobility issues. And apparently it needs some help from a leadership standpoint.

On to #3. It is the senior tour. Apparently it's where participants from the first 2 stops go when they want to retire, mostly from #1. Fairly high functioning, lots of community involvement, lots of Arts and Crafts, everyone loves to knit. It is running like a "well oiled machine".

Turns out, they're looking for one program manager to run #2 and #3. Did I suddenly get a skill set from punkrockgrrl that I wasn't aware of?

I'm kinda intrigued, and kinda scared at the same time. And they gave me an essay to write. Yay.
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