May 03, 2008 16:55
So today we decided to have adventures. Since both kids slept from 7:30 last night until 6:30 this morning with no waking, we were all in exceptionally high spirits. We decided it was a good day for an adventure.
We started off with our usual first and second breakfasts...I think I'm really raising hobbits. Then we hopped in the car with Grandma and Grandpa and went off to a farm in Colchester. Not just any farm though, this farm specializes in cheese. Isabel loves cheese. Really loves cheese. Petey enjoys cheese, but was equally happy petting a barn cat.
So we sampled cheese. Good cheese. Strong cheese. At least one soft, stinky cheese. Isabel loved it all, kept on demanding more. The woman working there couldn't believe that my 20 month old daughter loved this stuff and had such a sophisticated palate. After sampling all of the different cheeses they had to offer, including a blue, we decided on a couple of the more mild ones and were on our way. Petey was happy because he got to pee on a rock.
We then went to a sheep farm that also specialized in dairy products, including yogurt and more cheeses of the sheepsmilk variety, but there was no sampling there. But we got to watch all the new lambs in a pasture with the ewes having some lunch. They are so cute and fuzzy. Petey and Isabel got to play with some unspun wool in the wool shop there too. Neato.
Then we tried to go ride the ferry across the CT River, but it was closed because of the high water levels on the river, so we grabbed some lunch at a little country store and went up to the bridge and home. Quite a day in all though.