Sep 24, 2003 23:49
Fear and Self Doubt
In any person their exists an inner struggle, not between good and evil that is so often portrayed in movies or stories, their is no struggle their human nature is both good and evil whatever side comes through shows, that is not where the struggle occurs. The struggle occurs in the mind, where one's own thoughts are manifested. Too many people hinder themselves with negative thinking or a style of thinking that puts self limitions on themselves. This is called self doubt. The problem is that self doubt can not exist by itself, self doubt brings along with it fear. Fear that you are not good enough, fear that you are not capable, fear that you can not be what you want to become because there are too many obstacles in your way. Obstacles are those frightful things that we see when we take our minds off of our goals, and anything woth having is worth working for. Do not start doubting yourself when things get tough, things will always get hard, you have to then realize if you really wanted something or if you merely thought you did. When things get hard for you, realize that they are also getting harder for other people too. What can seperate you from that other person? Hanging on five minutes longer or believe in yourself for five minutes more than they believe in themselves. If everything in life is an act of will, then our minds have complete control over us because our mind control our thoughts which control our bodies which control our actions. Will yourself greatness and greatness will be yours. Destroy all expectations. Do not become something or hang onto to something because it is what others what for you, go coinfidently in the direction of your goals and above all believe in yourself or no one else will.