Sep 23, 2003 23:20
evolution is a constant changing of life. life is always changing so change should always be embraced, not shunned away from. if we are changing qualitites that we do not like about ourself then by all means except change dont fight it. if we find something that comes along in our life that is better then except it. look upon it as a gift a chance for you to change and to find out who you really are. no one knows who they truly are, everyone wears masks and puts on acts, and blames life circumstances for the reason they are where they are or for the reason that something wont work out or for the reason that they just cant. to have this attitude is to hinder the chance for change and thus hinder the process of evolution. this type of thinking leads to regrets and then youll never know who you truly are because in order to find out who you truly are you need to act on all instincts that occur within your body because instincts are what make us human and make us capable of thinking and acting upon our thoughts. do not be afraid of bettering yourself through the process of evolution. alot of times people shun change because they feel they will be leaving behind a level of comfort which was previously attained through past experiences. this is partially true anytime change occurs at first they will be a period of uncertainity, but does that mean you have to lose your comfort level? not at all because once we change our comfort level will also change. if you get too comfortable in any situation you will become stagnate and boredom will set in hindering that relationship and/or situation. embrace change, except evolution, allow human instincts to be your guide