A time when I was embarrassed was...

Nov 21, 2004 23:16



This was the weekend from hell. Nothing really horrible happened. Just one never ending string of incoherent events.

This story starts Friday night, at about 9:00. Ben and I, and some of the Friday Night Live cast were supposed to perform improv for Crimson Nights at the University. This is scheduled for 9:40. Ben realizes that he has left his car/apartment keys in Menaka's backback, which was then in Logan, with mentioned human. So, Ben, Melinda, and I drive out to Sandy, where his land lord lives, to retrieve his apartment key. We get back to the university at 9:40. The more diligent among you will realize that we should be improving the shit out of things right now. Well we should be, and we are. None of the other FNL'ers show up, so we recruit four random strangers from the halls to come play with us. "Play" is an entirely unsuitable word for the disaster that follows.

We stumble on stage in front of two hundred catatonic students. we have ten minutes to make total fools of ourselves. We do, not in a good way. The other people have no Idea how to play any of the games, and end up rapping, and doing beat boxes with the MIcs. I cry and run away.

NOw it's 11:00 all of a sudden. Neither Ben nor myself have a car, so we walk two miles to Ben's apartment. We walk up the stairs, and Ben puts the landlord's key in the lock.

It doesn't turn.

Wrong key, turns out. Ben swears for a long time, while I realize that I have music in my pocket. We share headphones on our mile-more walk to a coffee shop. Katie Treu rescues us, now 12:30. Drives us to my Apartment. ben eats big and chunky soup, then collapses onto fold out bed. We converse from room to room, hour goes by, drunk Steve and roommate stumble into apartment yelling and laughing. Steve announces he would love to sleep with whoever is on the fold out, at which point Ben stumbles into my room, collapsing on the other side of my bed, and smelly, boiling, huge, falls asleep immediately, leaving me to the afterglow of remembering what sleep is like.

I wake up at 7:00 to drive Ben to Skyline High School, where he has to judge a debate competition. I return at 12:00 to pick him up, and get to the U at 1:00 for FNL meeting. Done with meeting at 2:30. Open work at 3:45. Work until 9:30, when I am closed. I sweep everything, wipe everything, and then am told that my section is reopened because the game is out. Mope for an hour. Then close again, with five more dollars in hand.

Go home, call J 2 the liddell. Meet her, Mark, and Dave at Dave's dorm. We watch "milk drop", the coolest Winamp visulization in the world. I leave for home at 2:00AM.

Wake at noon. Do nothing until 5:00 where I go to work again. Get off at 10:40. Made sixty in tips. yay.

now i am in the here. in the now.

A waste of everything, this was.

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