I had some good, snarky comments about certain moments in tonight's Heroes, but no laptop with me. But my mom & friend certainly appreciated them.
There was a lot of flailing. There was gasping and victory arms and kowtowing and possibly the beginnings of Deep Thoughts re: the portrayal of time, free will, determinism, that will possibly require me to revisit
technosage's lovely meta on those elements from a month ago. These Deep Thoughts really want to emerge, especially because I just finished reading 100 Years of Solitude in school and I'm rereading (er, rerererereading) The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, and there's a lot of stuff about comparative portrayal across different media and in different fandoms, and especially Doctor Who, whose theories I don't always agree with but enjoy nonetheless. AND thoughts about paintings shown last week in light of this week's episode and how fucking CLEVER this show really is.
But, I mean, there was a lot of flailing. And
Zachary Quinto is hot, even with really bad hair. And Nathannnn. And Peterrrrrr. And Matt! But you know, I really think Nathan is like Dean Winchester in a lot of ways, not least of which is: no matter how woobie-esque the other characters get, no matter what they do, Dean and Nathan the ones that I (and probably others) return to with that sigh which says so much. Oh, Dean. Oh, Nathannnnn. With the extra N's.
Full reactions are coming... sometime, or possibly never. Again I cite the Real Life Explosion that is occurring: a friend was just kicked out of her house and moved in with me (inadvertently creating a backlog of schoolwork because I spent a lot of time dealing with her moving in, etc, that I probably would have spent on schoolwork), school is winding down and there's sort of that rush to get everything done. AP tests start a week from today and I've barely thought about studying. The play I'm co-directing opens the 10th.