Nov 08, 2011 21:55
Today I finally went swimming again! It felt really good after thirty two 50 meter rounds in one hour. Now I am hungry...
Anyways, I am enjoying my university and right now I have screwed up some middle exams, but oh well....most people from my class did 8D;;;
Although yesterday I had my presentation in "German realities" and our professor said that mine was so professionally made, especially because I have such a nice German language (well duh, 8 years living in Germany pays out!). Seriously, I thought kind of that I was screwed, because I was extremely nervous and admitted it to her, but she said that no, it didn't seem like it at all. I wonder why? Maybe it's just my German, who knows XD
Now the most and greatest important thing. My mom.
Today she got awarded as a docent/associate professor after all her hard work, publishing two books and doing almost 50 papers/articles in these past years.