Costello's Nashville set list

Feb 25, 2004 03:30

Hi friends,
This is cross-posted from my entry in the elviscostello group, if you are interested:

I submitted a set-list scan of last night's Nashville show to, which was missing some of the songs. I filled in the rest from memory, but I'm not sure where "Heart-Shaped Bruise" was in the set, maybe before "God's Comic". Does anyone else remember? This is the song he referred to finishing the last time he was here. He actually finished at soundcheck back on Oct 27,1999 when he and Steve Nieve last played the Ryman (not counting the Imposters show in 2002)and debuted it that night. I have the partial lyric/chord sheet from the stage in Elvis' handwriting from the '99 show, and thanks to John's site was able to identify the 2 lines as this song a while back. It's still unreleased by anyone to my knowledge. I didn't get a chance to ask Elvis about it last night, but did ask Steve if they had recorded it, and he said he couldn't remember!
Please email me if you have a recording of either show for trade and we can tree it on here.
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