Tardy for the Party

Mar 25, 2012 22:12

It's only been a couple of years since I started getting into Arashi and considering their 12+ year history, I am a relative newbie. It's also only been barely a year I started reading Arashi fic and only a few months in being an partially active part of the community.

So, there's my excuse for absolutely not knowing anything about the JE Kink / Smut Meme (je_meme) back in 2008-2009 until... well, a week ago. OTL

As it's safe to say, it's a dead meme, but there's still plenty of unfinished prompts that surprisingly inspired me to drabble a bit. And since it's a dead meme, I just wrote this how ever the hell I wanted so I can just write. I'm just posting it here because replies to the original meme are screened and probably will never be unscreened.

Who: Sho / Haruna Ai [ Original Request]
Prompt: First Time

“I don’t know… I’m actually a lot fonder of the pink satin and black lace. Playful, but still gives a sense of class,” he said thoughtfully, his companion offering an approving, high pitched laugh.

When TBS announced a first annual “Cross-dressing Arashi Mannequin 5 SP”, Sho didn’t know what should’ve shocked him more-the fact that Haruna Ai was the first person he went to for fashion advice or that he and Haruna-san had similar tastes in bras.

Who: Ohmiya [ Original Request]
Prompt: Potsmoking Threesome. Any way you like it

Like most of his experiments, Aiba didn’t actually believe that any results he’ll find on his “What happens if you light marijuana plants on fire in a small room?” experiment would prove any more significant than what experienced, degreed (and legal) researchers already found.

However, he did take diligent mental notes on improved libido of his test subjects in the smoke fogged testing room. His own labored breaths, Nino rocking against his backside in total abandon, and the gleam of mischief in Ohno’s red shot eyes as his mouth moved something wicked on Aiba’s cock did make quite good empirical evidence.

Nothing But Quiet Breaths - Sho / Jun - Because sneaky sex while your friends are sleeping in the room is a little hot.

Executive Assistant - Sho / Nino - He was a damn fine executive assistant - and right now his executive needed assisting. How can you not <3 that line?

Untitled (Experiment Prompt) - Aiba / Jun - While stalking floweranza's fics, I totally agree with her. The idea of Jun giving up complete control is so interesting. I almost want to expand on this or remix it somehow. Knowing me, it probably won't come close to its general awesomeness, however. *le sigh*

Jump - Sho / Inoue Mao - This was just so full of adorable and heartwarming goodness, there was no way I could not love this.

Everything About You - Shuichi / Vito / MC Kamiyama - This. Was. Just. WOW. An amazing surprise to something I expected to be all smut and good fun.

I really wish I knew who the author to this fic was so I can add them to my stalking list (am I coming off as a total creeper yet? Haha ... ^_^;)

Mini-Marathon - OT5 - So, inner crack kink is coming out. I only really loved this because the author took a line from another prompt and put it into this one. "A couple of broads" haha, hilarity~.

VIP Treatment - Jun / Becky - <3

Crossed Wires - Ohmiya. Nino's a girl and the banter to this is just pure love. Then I'm going to marry you before Aiba has a chance to knock you up. Oh, Oh-chan. You're such a good boyfriend, lol.

Welcome to New York - Chuck Bass / Blair Waldorf / Tsukasa Domyouji - fjas;dif ja;soidj a;soijas;odj a;sdfj  Gossip Girl crossover in the most drool worthy way! Holy crap. The idea that this is the reason why Domyouji was hesitant when he saw Makino in New York makes my brain twitch happily, lol. 
I have a few more prompts saved up just for my own purposes. We'll see whether or not I'll actually do anything about them.

Oh well. Better late than never. ^_^ v

recommendations, arashi, drabbles

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