(no subject)

Jun 22, 2011 10:52

Title: The Love That Wasn't Meant To Be (Prologue)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Onkey
Ratings: pg-13
A/n: heyy! this is the plot that my friend and I are sharing. She is writing the Eunhae version of this, while I am writing the Onkey version. Okay, I know i owe many of you 'Trust' but I seriously need help in that. Gosh. HAAHHAA, okay this is just the prologue. Hopefully, this story doesn't stop halfway. It's just a short story. Enjoy and comment. Kamsahamnida! =D

IIt was a normal day for Jinki and he was at the subway, waiting for his train, when suddenly an angel appeared in front of him, pushing him a human being. “His name is Kibum and you shall be in charge of him from now on.” Jinki was so shocked that he could not respond and could only nod his head, he just stood there and gaped at the beautiful human being in front of him. The angel flew in between the both of them, faced Jinki and said, “Never allow anyone to remove the clothes of Kibum except for you and himself, or he will lose his memory.” “L-lose his memory?” Jinki stuttered. “Yes, lose his memory.” The angel warned, “I shall take my leave now, remember what I’ve just said.”

The alarm clock rang and broke Jinki’s dream. “Well, that was a weird dream I guess. HAHA” Jinki laughed, “but it seemed so real.”

Jinki turned around and found Kibum sleeping peacefully next to him. He yelled and fell off the bed.

“What are you doing here?” Jinki screamed. Kibum stirred from his slumber and stared at Jinki with his cat-like eyes. “Yah! Respond to my question! Are you deaf or are you dumb?” Jinki shook Kibum. Kibum managed to splutter out a few words, “You…take…care…of…me?”


Who knew that from that day onwards, Jinki’s life changed.

fanfic: onew/key, onew/key, !chapteredfic, yaoi

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