(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 00:43

Title: The Nerd and The Diva
Author: heavenlove
Rating: pg13
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: story is mineee! dont steal or i will cry! D=
A/n: I was so bored that i came up with another fic!

Jinki is a nerd, Kibum is a diva and most of you will probably think they aren’t friends right? Well, they are best friends, more like childhood friends. They grew up together, had fun together, entered the same primary school and high school. Kibum is one of the most sought guys in high school, while Jinki is a nobody in school. Kibum has many friends, while Jinki is the opposite, he doesn’t have much friends. Jinki has been in love with Kibum for years, 12 years to be exact. He being a coward didn’t dare to confess to Kibum. They wouldn’t talk in school and they pretended to not know each other. Well, Kibum was popular and he didn’t want his friends to make fun of him nor Jinki and Jinki didn’t want Kibum to be a laughing stock.

When they went home, it was a total opposite from what they were in school. Kibum would often go to Jinki’s house for dinner especially when Kibum’s parents were away. Every time Kibum did not know how to do his homework, he would ask Jinki. Jinki would then explain the solution to the questions and most of the time, Kibum would doze off from the boredom. Jinki sighed and woke Kibum up and told him to finish up his homework before sleeping. Kibum would then whine and said he doesn’t understand how to do and tell Jinki to do it for him. Jinki would refuse, as he strongly believed that in order to learn, we have to do it ourselves. Kibum would pout and pretended that he was angry with Jinki and Jinki being softhearted, would give in and ended up doing all of Kibum’s homework.

The next day, Kibum brought his homework to Jinki’s house once again. “Dubuuu, pleaseee help me do it?” Kibum begged.
“Ya, Kibum! You are supposed to do it yourself!” Jinki said and went back doing his homework.
“Jinki, pleaseeee?” Kibum showed his puppy eyes.
“All right all right, it’s the last time I am gonna do it for you!” Jinki gave in.
“Yay! Jinki, you are the best! Saranghaeyo!” Kibum pecked Jinki’s cheek and did a heart.
Everyday, Kibum would ask Jinki to do his homework for him without fail, but every time Jinki tried to refuse, Kibum would show Jinki his puppy eyes and Jinki would be softhearted and do it for him. Jinki was contended as he felt this was the only time they could be close and he could find an excuse every morning to talk to Kibum.

All of Kibum’s friends found it weird that all his assignments were getting a grade close to perfect, even Key’s form teacher found it weird but soon shrug it off as she thought Kibum had hired a tuition teacher. However, Kibum’s friends saw Jinki passing some books to Kibum and Kibum looked around suspiciously before thanking Jinki and giving him a hug. “Key!” Jonghyun shouted Kibum’s nickname. “Yeah Jjong? Looking for me?” Kibum asked. Jonghyun then pulled him to one of the classroom and in the classroom, there were Minho, Taemin, Jokwon, Heechul and Xiah. “Wow, what is the occasion?” Kibum asked, smiling.

Jinki saw Kibum being pulled by Jonghyun and decided to follow, hugging Kibum’s homework and trying his best not to fall and make a scene out of it. Jinki then stood outside of the classroom and tried to peek what was happening inside.

“Have you fallen for the nerd?” Jonghyun asked suspiciously.
“Nerd? Isn’t that me?” Jinki thought as he continued to listen to their conversation.
“What are you talking about? Which nerd are you talking about? There is so many nerds in our school.” Kibum replied.
“The one that wears a black spectacles and trips over an invisible line. What is his name? Lee Hinki? No wait, its Lee Jinki.” Taemin answered Kibum’s question.
“What are you guys thinking? How could I fall in love with him?! Are you kidding me?” Kibum laughed nervously.
Jinki heard what Kibum said and every word Kibum said was like many arrows piercing his heart.
“Are you sure?” It was Minho’s time to question Kibum. Minho asked and raised one of his eyebrows.
“Yes, I am very sure. Plus I am just using him so that I can get high grades for the homework component in the results slips. It helps to pull my studies up you know.” Kibum winked.
They all laughed and complimented Kibum for being smart.
“So he was using me all along? I was a tool for him to get good grades? Good job Kibum, you totally broke my heart.” Jinki thought before letting go of the book on his hand and running away.

“BAM!” Kibum got a shock from the sudden noise and ran out to see what happened. On the floor laid his math textbook, science workbook, geography papers and literature assignments. “Shit!” Kibum yelled and ran after Jinki while Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Heechul and Xiah shot each other with questioning looks.

“Jinki, where are you?” Kibum asked as he ran and looked from left to right.


“Where do you go when you are sad?” Jinki asked.
“Hmm, probably the beach. How about you?”
“I like to go to the school’s rooftop, its quiet and allows me to think and the view from the school’s rooftop is fantastic!” Jinki exclaimed.

-End of flashback-

“Right! The school’s rooftop!” Kibum shouted and ran with all his might, ignoring the squeals from the females and groans from the males.
The moment he opened the door, he found Jinki sitting on the floor, knees brought up to his face and his face buried on top of his knees. Kibum walked to Jinki and squatted down.

“Jinki, did-did you-you heard everything?” Kibum stuttered.
Jinki looked up and looked away, avoiding Kibum’s gaze.
Kibum grabbed Jinki’s hand and forced Jinki to look at him, “You heard everything right?”
“Yes, I did. Kibum, I am not a toy for you to play. I have feelings to, you cant just use me like this, when you are tired of me, you just throw me aside. I don’t want to be used by you anymore. I am sorry for not being able to help you anymore, I am sorry for loving you.” Jinki said and ran away.

“Jin-jinki lo-loves me? How could I be so foolish and not realize it?” Kibum froze in shock. All those happy memories spent with Jinki flashed in his mind, Kibum too unknowingly fell for that careless guy. Before he knew it, Kibum got up and chased after Jinki.


“Jinki hyung! You have to catch me!” Kibum shouted and ran round and round to prevent Jinki from catching him.
“Ouch!” Jinki fell down and Kibum turned back just in time to see Jinki fall down.
“Jinki hyung are you okay?” Kibum ran to Jinki and squat down.
“Kibummie, it hurts.” Jinki pouted.
“Its all right! Kibummie will take care of your boo boo!” Kibum proudly said and started finding the bruise.
Then Jinki raised his hands and tapped Kibum, shouting, “Caught ya!” Before running away from Kibum.
“Hey, you cheated!” Kibum pouted and ran after Jinki.

-End of Flashback-

He soon caught sight of Jinki and shouted, “Jinki hyung!” Suddenly Jinki tripped over a rock and fell on the floor. At times like this, Kibum is grateful for Jinki being so clumsy. Kibum then caught up with Jinki and just as Jinki was about to run away, Kibum hugged Jinki from the back. “Don’t do this, please. We are in public.” Jinki tried to pry Kibum’s hand from his waist.
“No! No! I am never gonna let you go! I realized that I love you. All this while, I didn’t realized that I couldn’t live without you, I am sorry for hurting you! I am sorry for using you! I don’t mean it at all!” Kibum apologized as tears started brimming.
“Kibum-ya,” Jinki sighed and pulled Kibum to face him, “you don’t have to lie to make me feel better. I think its time for me to forget you anyways.”
“Jinki hyung! I am not lying to myself nor am I lying to you! I truly love you! I know I have hurt you from what I said just now.”
“Kibum, I…” Jinki was stopped by Kibum sudden kiss on his lips.
“Now does that satisfy your doubts of me truly loving you?” Kibum smirked.
“How about your friends?” Jinki asked.
“They aren’t my real friends if they can’t accept who I truly love.” Kibum smiled and pulled Jinki away from the school.


i think i seriously fail alot.
i dont know if i should continue writing or not.

fanfic: onew/key

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