❝so you sailed away into a gray sky morning❞

Sep 21, 2009 19:14

Title: The Same Sky
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Words: 305
Characters: Austria ; Germany (alludes to Hungary and Prussia)
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Written for hetalia_contest’s week 014 prompt, “sky.” He comes more often than he wishes to, both needing the comfort of company himself and wanting to give it to another.

The Same Sky

These days, the streets of Berlin are too quiet when Roderich walks down them.

He comes more often than he wishes to, both needing the comfort of company himself and wanting to give it to another. So, about once a week, he sits down at Ludwig’s kitchen table and looks the younger nation in the eye-eyes as clear and blue as the sky. And then, invariably, he sets his mug of overheated coffee down on the table and sighs.

“I wish you’d stop doing that,” Ludwig growls on this particular day, turning the page of his newspaper irritably.

Roderich scowls and then rolls his eyes. “This place could do with some noise,” he comments dryly.

Ludwig replies only with silence. They both know why there is no sound, no chaos-the one who normally creates it is trapped on the other side of a wall. And with that chaos, harmony is imprisoned-the woman who brought the Germanic countries together, even though she wasn’t one of them.


Evidently realizing he’s never going to get a chance to finish the paper, Ludwig folds it and replies, “What?”

“I’d like to see it. The wall.”

The German swallows a sigh and nods.

It does not look as devastating as it really is. Rectangular cement slabs layered together, creating the proverbial iron curtain that divides their world.

“How can you stand it?” Roderich asks, placing on hand gingerly against the wall.

Ludwig leans against it, his head thrust towards the sky. His arms cross over his chest as he shrugs.

“Sometimes I can’t. But then I look up and remember something.”

“What’s that?”

“You can’t use a wall to divide the sky. So wherever he-wherever they are, on the other side of that wall or anywhere else, they’re looking up at the same sky we are.”


*The Berlin Wall, which divided Berlin into Eastern and Western halves from 1945-89, was the living embodiment of the “iron curtain” which divided the world into the American and Soviet, or democratic and communist, spheres of influence during the Cold War. After WWII, Germany was split into halves-Ludwig’s Germany, and Gilbert’s Germany-the West and East. Hungary became a Communist state for several decades, as well. Austria remained anti-communist.

✦fanfiction, ✖contest, ✶character: austria, ✶character: germany, ✤fandom: hetalia

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